debate vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Debate Vocabulary 2024-01-29

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a method of reasoning/thinking
  2. defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning
  3. the side that is for the resolution
  4. to recognize or admit
  5. having nothing to do with the subject
  6. connected with or related to the subject
  7. a response that refutes an argument; a comback
  8. mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail
  9. the opposite argument or viewpoint from what the speaker/writer is saying
  10. a mental activity that consists of organizing information or beliefs into a series of steps to reach conclusions
  1. presenting a persuasive opinion
  2. a cause and effect relationship in which one variable controls the changes in another variable
  3. two people equally trying to prove white side is "right" using a formal structure
  4. to examine, assess, and judge carefully
  5. confrontation in which people cross lives to prove to each other WHO or what is "right"
  6. a statement or assertion that is open to challenge and that requires support
  7. the topic of debate, always posed as a statement, not a question
  8. relevant pieces of information that support a claim: facts, quotations, examples, statistics, or stories
  9. the side that is against the resolution
  10. a relationship between two variables

20 Clues: to recognize or admita method of reasoning/thinkingpresenting a persuasive opinionthe side that is for the resolutiona relationship between two variableshaving nothing to do with the subjectto examine, assess, and judge carefullythe side that is against the resolutionconnected with or related to the subject...

Vocabulary - Debate 2024-07-07

Vocabulary - Debate crossword puzzle
  1. a misleading impression
  2. points or conclusions
  3. to spoil or ruin something by making many mistakes
  4. - qualifications or achievements
  5. well known and or important
  6. unsteady or unreliable
  7. critical observation or examination
  8. small problems or delays
  9. lacking in vitality, force or conviction
  10. striking repeatedly
  11. the use of humor, irony or ridicule to criticize
  12. completely engrossed or fascinated
  13. to state a fact of belief confidently
  14. mistakes or blunders
  15. lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern
  1. forbidden by law, rules or custom
  2. move downwards or fall
  3. speaking quietly and unclearly
  4. a positive relationship
  5. dramatic or exaggerated behaviour
  6. encouraging or inciting
  7. a person or company that sells goods
  8. cautious or alert
  9. characterized by bitterness or resentment
  10. to take advantage of something
  11. to make a doubt or feeling disappear
  12. insults or ridicules
  13. showing excitement or intercapiest
  14. someone with alot of experience in a particular field
  15. experts or commentators in a particular field
  16. unusual in an interesting or attractive way
  17. to form a theory or guess without firm evidence

32 Clues: cautious or alertstriking repeatedlyinsults or ridiculesmistakes or blunderspoints or conclusionsmove downwards or fallunsteady or unreliablea misleading impressiona positive relationshipencouraging or incitingsmall problems or delayswell known and or importantspeaking quietly and unclearlyto take advantage of something...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-04-22

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a negotiation strategy in which each individual gives up something to meet in the middle (win-lose win-lose)
  2. a statement of the point to be debated
  3. a speech that contradicts or attacks your opponent's attacks on your arguments, allowing you to rebuild your argument
  4. notes taken during a debate
  5. a negotiation strategy that focuses on resolving conflict by recognizing and valuing each side (win-win)
  6. the side in a debate that tries to prove the statement is false
  7. a negotiation strategy in which an individual tries to resolve a conflict by withdrawing or denying (lose-lose)
  8. the responsibility to find flaws in an argument--falls on the negative side
  9. a proposition that is either true or false
  10. the side in a debate that tries to prove the statement is true
  11. a transition that serves as a preview of arguments to be made in a speech
  12. a proposition that focuses on the desirability of a particular course of action
  13. a word in debate that refers to a reason for favoring their side of a proposition, including the facts that support this reason
  14. a negotiation strategy that that focuses on defeating the other person rather than resolving the problem (win-lose)
  15. the responsibility to prove something--falls on the affirmative side arguing against the status quo
  1. specific speeches that debaters make to build an argument for one side or another
  2. the way things are now; the existing conditions--usually defended by the negative side
  3. any debate conducted without specific rules--group discussions, etc.
  4. a specific speech that shows the flaws in the argument of the opposition
  5. a formal method of solving problems; a contest in reasoned argument
  6. an outline of the affirmative and negative cases, used as a guide and summary before and during a debate
  7. a standard used to judge whether something is right or wrong, good or bad
  8. working with another person to settle an issue
  9. a term in debate for the total group of arguments on one side
  10. a type of proposition involving philosophical judgments for which there is no right or wrong answer
  11. a negotiation strategy in which differences are minimized, smoothed over, or suppressed (lose-win)
  12. a person's concept of the ideal; "in a perfect world"--implies a moral obligation
  13. facts, statements, reports, and quotes--information that helps prove something
  14. a formal statement of opinion; a proposition that begins with "resolved"

29 Clues: notes taken during a debatea statement of the point to be debateda proposition that is either true or falseworking with another person to settle an issuea term in debate for the total group of arguments on one sidethe side in a debate that tries to prove the statement is truethe side in a debate that tries to prove the statement is false...

Debate Vocabulary 2024-08-16

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Statement made at the beginning of a speech which takes a position with regard to the totality of one's own or one's opponent's analysis
  2. Both teams can make voting issues throughout the debate
  3. The topic of the debate
  4. The side that supports the resolution
  5. Refers to how predictable an argument was based upon the topic or preparedness
  6. Necessary or sufficient standard by which to measure the competing values
  7. Is an idea that a debater argues is paramount.
  8. debaters argue that their definition is superior to that of the other
  9. A deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief
  10. Current situation while the debate is occurring
  11. Shorter speech later in the debate where debaters argue over issues that were built during the constructive speeches
  12. Letting judge know where you are headed
  13. Power or force on an argument
  14. Note taking technique, or note pad
  15. Published literature introduced into the debate to provide support for an argument
  16. Major argument in the debate
  17. LD debaters have 3 minutes to prepare for debate
  18. One debater makes as many arguments as possible
  19. Attacking or overthrowing claims made by your opponent
  20. Preferences of a judge for a debate round
  21. Idea that debate must be fair to both sides
  1. Time one debater gets to interact with another debater by asking questions
  2. Negative debater can offer a competing value
  3. Critical elements inherent in the resolution
  4. Sometimes called "T"
  5. the Affirmative side must prove the resolution true while the negative proves the resolution is false
  6. of a debate case containing arguments and evidence.
  7. Reason why your claim is true, reasoning behind claim
  8. A weighing mechanism or tool judge use to determining which parts of debate are important
  9. Arguments debaters can make during the round
  10. Summing up the debate, addressing the most important arguments and offering voting issues
  11. a piece of evidence with a claim and warrant, source citation, and explanation
  12. Speeches in which debaters introduce their position and advocacy
  13. Refers to arguments, assumptions, or definitions made by one side that prevent both sides from competing
  14. Conflict with specific argument made by the opponent
  15. Rejects the resolution

36 Clues: Sometimes called "T"Rejects the resolutionThe topic of the debateMajor argument in the debatePower or force on an argumentNote taking technique, or note padThe side that supports the resolutionLetting judge know where you are headedPreferences of a judge for a debate roundIdea that debate must be fair to both sides...

Vocab #9 Review - Evan 2023-05-10

Vocab #9 Review - Evan crossword puzzle
  1. He was ________ with his book.
  2. I __________ that author's purpose is a weird vocabulary word.
  3. He ___________ the impact.
  4. The native Americans experienced ___________.
  5. There was enough _______ evidence to convict the man.
  6. One of the vocabulary words is __________ __________.
  7. The teacher asked what __________ the story was written from.
  8. Wikapedia is not a _________ source.
  9. His __________ did not persuade the people witnessing the debate.
  1. Some people are _______ to their religion.
  2. The military could be considered a _______ of the government.
  3. We had to __________ on our paper.
  4. People like to experience other people's __________.
  5. He was ___________ with the food.
  6. Sometimes you have to make an __________ about an story.
  7. It's usually not good to act on _______.
  8. He felt ________.

17 Clues: He felt ________.He ___________ the impact.He was ________ with his book.He was ___________ with the food.We had to __________ on our paper.Wikapedia is not a _________ source.It's usually not good to act on _______.Some people are _______ to their religion.The native Americans experienced ___________....

Debate Vocabulary 2016-05-12

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The temporary release of a person awaiting trial
  2. A jury that deals with decision making and giving a verdict. Made up of 12 people and under
  3. A statement by a party to a legal action or what the party wants to prove
  4. The determination of a punishment to be inflicted on a convicted criminal
  5. The questioning of a witness after redirect examination
  6. The person that brings the lawsuit to court
  7. An individual company or institution sued in a court of law
  8. The questioning of a witness
  9. A judicial order requiring a person to act or to refrain from doing an act
  10. A public officer authorized to hear and decide court cases
  11. When a case is brought before a higher court
  12. A minor officer in a US Court
  13. Any crime punishable by death and forfeiture of lands and goods
  14. A statement of a witness under oath usually in a court
  15. of Proof The duty of proving a disputed charge
  16. To discharge completely
  17. What is alleged, and pleaded in defense
  1. The available body of facts (DNA, weapon, phone records, etc.)
  2. Any trial by jury
  3. The act or process of convicting a crime
  4. A jury that questions law violations and the law. Made up of 12 to 23 people
  5. A call by an authority to appear before a court
  6. The questioning of a witness of the same side. This happens after cross examination
  7. The power or authority to administer justice
  8. A trial conducted according to rules without unreasonable delay or within a statutory period
  9. Carrying on of legal proceedings against a person
  10. Summoning of a witness or submission of evidence as records before a court
  11. To act as a judge
  12. The administration of justice according to established rules
  13. A sworn statement in writing
  14. To affirm, uphold, or approve
  15. Any charge or cause for blame
  16. An exam of a body after death to discover the cause of death
  17. The determination of innocence or guilt by due process of law

34 Clues: Any trial by juryTo act as a judgeTo discharge completelyA sworn statement in writingThe questioning of a witnessTo affirm, uphold, or approveAny charge or cause for blameA minor officer in a US CourtWhat is alleged, and pleaded in defenseThe act or process of convicting a crimeThe person that brings the lawsuit to court...

Debate Vocabulary 2022-08-09

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. overthrowing claims made by opponent
  2. conflict with argument
  3. when debaters get to interact
  4. Definitions- definition is superior
  5. predict an arguent
  6. support for argument
  7. summing up the debate
  8. introduce their position
  9. misleading belief
  10. Theory-idea that debate must be fair
  11. shorter speeches in the debate
  12. Paradigm-preferences of a judge
  13. Time- 3 minutes to give speech
  1. rejects the resolution
  2. regard ones opponent
  3. major argument
  4. to arguments
  5. piece of evidence with explanation
  6. not taking technique
  7. force of an argument
  8. Outline of debate case
  9. of Proof- argument must be valid
  10. supports the resolution
  11. necessary standard
  12. must have sufficient ground

25 Clues: to argumentsmajor argumentmisleading beliefpredict an arguentnecessary standardregard ones opponentnot taking techniqueforce of an argumentsupport for argumentsumming up the debaterejects the resolutionconflict with argumentOutline of debate casesupports the resolutionintroduce their positionmust have sufficient groundwhen debaters get to interact...


DEBATE VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. A belief accepted as true without proof.
  2. A reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea.
  3. A main idea or argument.
  4. format The structure and rules of a debate.
  5. speech A final overview of key points.
  6. Admitting something is true or valid.
  7. Convincing someone to believe or do something.
  8. A restriction or limitation on a general statement.
  9. The process of thinking logically.
  10. A reason or set of reasons given in opposition.
  11. A judgment or decision reached by reasoning.
  12. The side supporting a proposed resolution.
  13. A statement or proposition used as a basis for argument.
  14. fallacy An error in reasoning.
  15. of proof The responsibility to prove a claim.
  1. A belief accepted as true until proven otherwise.
  2. evidence Information that backs up a claim.
  3. Disproving an opponent's argument.
  4. Questioning an opponent's arguments.
  5. The side opposing a proposed resolution.
  6. speech A response to opposing arguments.
  7. speech The initial speech building a case.
  8. Proving a statement or accusation false.
  9. Supporting facts or information.
  10. A statement that something is the case.
  11. viewpoint A perspective contrary to one's own.
  12. device A technique to convey a message or evoke emotion.
  13. The formal statement of the debate topic.
  14. A response to a counterargument.
  15. A mistaken belief based on unsound argument.

30 Clues: A main idea or argument.fallacy An error in reasoning.Supporting facts or information.A response to a counterargument.Disproving an opponent's argument.The process of thinking logically.Questioning an opponent's arguments.Admitting something is true or valid.speech A final overview of key points.A statement that something is the case....

Debate Vocabulary 2020-02-03

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail
  2. An assertion or claim
  3. Connected with or related to the subject
  4. Relevant pieces of information that support a claim: facts, quotations, examples, statistics, or stories.
  5. A mental activity that consists of organizing information or beliefs into a series of steps to reach conclusions
  6. The opposite argument or viewpoint from what the speaker/writer is saying
  7. To examine, assess, and judge carefully.
  8. At least two people equally trying to prove which side is “right”, using a formal structure.
  9. A attorney's summary of the case, which attempts to persuade the judge (and the jury if there is one) to favor his or her side.
  10. A method of reasoning/thinking
  1. Defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning
  2. A statement made by the lawyer for each side at the beginning of a trial, in which each lawyer outlines the case he or she intends to present.
  3. To prove to be false or incorrect
  4. Having nothing to do with the subject
  5. A relationship between two variables. NOTE: Just because two things are RELATED doesn’t mean that one causes the other! Do not mix these up!
  6. A response that refutes an argument; a comeback
  7. To recognize or admit
  8. Presenting a persuasive opinion; there may or may not be another person involved.
  9. Confrontation in which people cross lines to prove to each other WHO or what is “right”
  10. A cause and effect relationship in which ONE variable controls the changes in another variable.
  11. A statement or assertion that is open to challenge and that requires support

21 Clues: An assertion or claimTo recognize or admitA method of reasoning/thinkingTo prove to be false or incorrectHaving nothing to do with the subjectConnected with or related to the subjectTo examine, assess, and judge carefully.Mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detailA response that refutes an argument; a comeback...

Vocabulary - Debate 2024-07-07

Vocabulary - Debate crossword puzzle
  1. a misleading impression
  2. points or conclusions
  3. to spoil or ruin something by making many mistakes
  4. - qualifications or achievements
  5. well known and or important
  6. unsteady or unreliable
  7. critical observation or examination
  8. small problems or delays
  9. lacking in vitality, force or conviction
  10. striking repeatedly
  11. the use of humor, irony or ridicule to criticize
  12. completely engrossed or fascinated
  13. to state a fact of belief confidently
  14. mistakes or blunders
  15. lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern
  1. forbidden by law, rules or custom
  2. move downwards or fall
  3. speaking quietly and unclearly
  4. a positive relationship
  5. dramatic or exaggerated behaviour
  6. encouraging or inciting
  7. a person or company that sells goods
  8. cautious or alert
  9. characterized by bitterness or resentment
  10. to take advantage of something
  11. to make a doubt or feeling disappear
  12. insults or ridicules
  13. showing excitement or intercapiest
  14. someone with alot of experience in a particular field
  15. experts or commentators in a particular field
  16. unusual in an interesting or attractive way
  17. to form a theory or guess without firm evidence

32 Clues: cautious or alertstriking repeatedlyinsults or ridiculesmistakes or blunderspoints or conclusionsmove downwards or fallunsteady or unreliablea misleading impressiona positive relationshipencouraging or incitingsmall problems or delayswell known and or importantspeaking quietly and unclearlyto take advantage of something...

Abhivyakti 2023 2023-06-19

Abhivyakti 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. usage of the alphabet
  2. sudden with very less time to prepare
  3. representation of cultures through movement
  4. representation through placing of objects
  5. knowledge of vocabulary
  1. memorisation is key
  2. Japanese practice
  3. a formal argument
  4. Convince the skipper to let you live
  5. question and answer
  6. Heating of edibles
  7. Shastriya Nritya
  8. strokes on the epidermis
  9. voice modulation

14 Clues: Shastriya Nrityavoice modulationJapanese practicea formal argumentHeating of ediblesmemorisation is keyquestion and answerusage of the alphabetknowledge of vocabularystrokes on the epidermisConvince the skipper to let you livesudden with very less time to preparerepresentation through placing of objectsrepresentation of cultures through movement

Final Review: OM&M and TCIOTDITN Vocabulary 2024-05-21

Final Review:  OM&M and TCIOTDITN Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “power, rule, or command.”
  2. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “cringe, pull back or back away.”
  3. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “hobo, drifter, or wanderer.”
  4. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “turned away.”
  5. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “nagging or troubling.”
  6. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “intense or sharp.”
  7. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “twinkle or shimmer.”
  8. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “swamp or marsh.”
  9. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “fictional or made up.”
  10. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “careful or watchful.”
  11. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “rude, crude, or vulgar.”
  12. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “let up, calm, or ease.”
  13. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “angry or enraged.”
  14. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “flattering.”
  15. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “imitate.”
  16. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “resentment or anger.”
  17. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “too early or incomplete.”
  18. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “detached, indifferent, or unresponsive.”
  19. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “cord or harness.”
  20. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “muted.”
  21. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “mangled or broken.”
  22. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “assume or conclude.”
  23. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “rigid or creased.”
  24. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “squirm or thrash in pain.”
  25. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “resident or inhabitant.”
  26. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “humming or buzzing.”
  27. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “perplexed or confused.”
  28. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “shining or beaming.”
  29. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “shake or shiver.”
  30. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “clip or pin.”
  31. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “aggressively or hostilely.”
  32. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “menace or thorn on one’s side.”
  33. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “ridicule or mockery.”
  1. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “fussed or whimpered.”
  2. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “dissatisfaction.”
  3. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “cleverley.”
  4. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “depressed or sad.”
  5. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “fight or argue.”
  6. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “aside or off-topic.”
  7. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “rapidly or quickly.”
  8. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “soothed or calmed.”
  9. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “fascinated or captivated.”
  10. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “rubble, remains, or wreckage.”
  11. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “opposite or reverse.”
  12. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “beating or booming.”
  13. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “seriously or earnestly”
  14. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “copy or impersonate.”
  15. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “sniffled or complained.”
  16. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “twisted or bent.”
  17. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “gap or opening.”
  18. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “jolted or shook.”
  19. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means insufficient or skimpy.”
  20. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “gear or prong.”
  21. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “loaded or weighed down.”
  22. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “lies or defamation.”
  23. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “stumble or shuffle.”
  24. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “crossroad or meeting point.”
  25. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “pierced or cut.”
  26. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “flat, lying, or horizontal.”
  27. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “bottle or container.”
  28. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “mossy land.”
  29. This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “too small or unimportant.”
  30. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “answered or responded.”
  31. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “aggressive.”
  32. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “drench or soak.”
  33. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “puzzled or baffled.”
  34. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “mock or belittle.”
  35. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “stare or glare.”
  36. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “mocking or taunting.”
  37. This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “spotted or speckled.”

70 Clues: This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “muted.”This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “mossy land.”This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “clip or pin.”This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “imitate.”This TCOTDITN vocabulary word means “gear or prong.”This Of Mice & Men vocabulary word means “cleverley.”...

Year 10 2017-06-19

Year 10 crossword puzzle
  1. We're no longer fiends with the E.U.
  2. Jinan is famous for...?
  3. The best little country in the world
  4. Describe it, Don't say it
  5. The biggest upset of 2017
  6. Irish capital of USA
  7. Done on a daily basis
  1. Annual competition in JNFLSIC
  2. Test
  3. Deatheast opposite
  4. Seven Wonders of the World
  5. Time off
  6. Absolutely
  7. Your scary friend
  8. Your favourite vocabulary builder
  9. DRINK! (game)
  11. Delicacy of the early year celebration
  12. Capital of Wales
  13. Teach, Exercise, WeChat, Repeat.

20 Clues: TestTime offAbsolutelyABCDEFG USADRINK! (game)Capital of WalesYour scary friendDeatheast oppositeIrish capital of USADone on a daily basisJinan is famous for...?Describe it, Don't say itThe biggest upset of 2017Seven Wonders of the WorldAnnual competition in JNFLSICTeach, Exercise, WeChat, Repeat.Your favourite vocabulary builder...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-26

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  2. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. Public Forum Debate. The TYPE of debate
  4. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  5. you AGREE with the resolution
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  7. to argue intelligently
  1. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  2. Supporting your side/argument
  3. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well
  4. To agree
  5. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  6. You DISAGREE with the resolution
  7. Topic that you are arguing
  8. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  9. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  10. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  11. doing; partner; arguing with simple words.

18 Clues: To agreeto argue intelligentlyTopic that you are arguingSupporting your side/argumentyou AGREE with the resolutionYou DISAGREE with the resolutionPublic Forum Debate. The TYPE of debatedoing; partner; arguing with simple words.The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak....

Debate Vocabulary 2023-04-10

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The process of attaching an opponent's arguments.
  2. Speech that challenges and defends arguments introduced in a constructive speech.
  3. Argues in favor of the resolution.
  4. Another word for "claims"
  5. Using analysis to connect the evidence to the claim being made.
  6. Bad reasoning resulting in an unsound argument.
  7. Information used to support a claim, such as a testimonial.
  8. Format Matches two teams against each other, one affirming and one opposing the resolution.
  1. The topic or claim being debated.
  2. Process of formally arguing a resolution against an opposing team.
  3. Speech presenting a debater's basic arguments for or against the resolution.
  4. Explanations of terms stated in the resolution.
  5. Examination When a member of one team questions an opposing team member.
  6. Uses evidence and reasoning to support claims.
  7. Statement that a debater supports or refutes with evidence and reasoning.
  8. Individual who listens to a debate and decides the winner.
  9. Taking notes during a debate to prepare for CX (cross examination)
  10. Argues against the resolution.

18 Clues: Another word for "claims"Argues against the resolution.The topic or claim being debated.Argues in favor of the resolution.Uses evidence and reasoning to support claims.Explanations of terms stated in the resolution.Bad reasoning resulting in an unsound argument.The process of attaching an opponent's arguments....

debate vocabulary 2019-04-15

debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  2. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, rebuttals are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  4. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  5. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech. Typically: “Judge, I will be attacking our opponents’ case, and defending ours with the time remaining.” This tells the audience you are organized.
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. A constructive is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. A constructive includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  7. claim A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make.
  8. by line: Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.
  1. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. The flow is separated by speech for organizational purposes. The flow is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  2. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  3. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of clash. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  4. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments. “Now on my opponents first point,” is an example of signposting. We now know where to write your upcoming response on our flow. It is very important to tell your judge where to write your arguments. If you don’t, they may not write them down at all.
  5. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  6. The exact wording of your topic. Good resolutions are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not a resolution. “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is a resolution.
  7. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points. For example, a Con gun control case might use “Constitutionality” (the 2nd Amendment) as their framework and offer it as the highest value in the round. A “Pro” gun control case might use “Safety” as the highest value in the round
  8. The so-what factor of your claim. Impacts win debates. Explain why every claim is important. Assuming that something is important without proving the impact of it usually loses debates.

16 Clues: by line: Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.claim A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make....

Debate Vocabulary 2019-04-15

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round.
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments.
  3. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent.
  4. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments. We now know where to write your upcoming response on our flow. It is very important to tell your judge where to write your arguments. If you don’t, they may not write them down at all.
  5. The lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points.
  6. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech. Typically: “Judge, I will be attacking our opponents’ case, and defending ours with the time remaining.” This tells the audience you are organized.
  7. The exact wording of your topic.
  8. Valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. The so-what factor of your claim
  2. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  3. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class.
  5. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  6. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.
  7. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  8. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make.

16 Clues: The so-what factor of your claimThe exact wording of your topic.An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent.Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round.The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak....

debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Supporting your side/argument
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  3. To agree
  4. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  5. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forums, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  7. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well
  8. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  9. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  1. You DISAGREE with the resolution
  2. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  3. you AGREE with the resolution
  4. to argue intelligently
  5. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  6. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  7. Topic that you are arguing
  8. Public Forum Debate. The TYPE of debate you’re doing; partner; arguing with simple words.

17 Clues: To agreeto argue intelligentlyTopic that you are arguingSupporting your side/argumentyou AGREE with the resolutionYou DISAGREE with the resolutionThe cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim"....

Debate Vocabulary 2018-03-06

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, rebuttals are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time.
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions.
  4. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  5. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent.
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class.
  7. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments.
  8. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.
  1. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points.
  2. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of clash. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not
  3. The so-what factor of your claim. Impacts win debates
  4. The exact wording of your topic. Good resolutions are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance.
  5. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments.
  6. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make.
  7. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  8. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech

16 Clues: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent.The so-what factor of your claim. Impacts win debatesGiving your audience a very basic preview of your speechGiving your audience a heads up when you change arguments.Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time....

Debate Vocabulary 2018-03-08

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, rebuttals are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. The exact wording of your topic. Good resolutions are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not a resolution. “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is a resolution.
  3. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments. “Now on my opponents first point,” is an example of sign posting. We now know where to write your upcoming response on our flow. It is very important to tell your judge where to write your arguments. If you don’t, they may not write them down at all.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. A constructive is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. A constructive includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  6. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  7. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech. Typically: “Judge, I will be attacking our opponents’ case, and defending ours with the time remaining.” This tells the audience you are organized.
  1. The so-what factor of your claim. Impacts win debates. Explain why every claim is important. Assuming that something is important without proving the impact of it usually loses debates.
  2. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  3. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.
  4. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make.
  5. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. The flow is separated by speech for organizational purposes. The flow is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  6. Time: Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points. For example, a Con gun control case might use “Constitutionality” (the 2nd Amendment) as their framework and offer it as the highest value in the round. A “Pro” gun control case might use “Safety” as the highest value in the round.
  8. Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  9. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of clash. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.

16 Clues: Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make....

debate vocabulary 2021-10-26

debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. where four debaters are allowed to speak
  2. to agree
  3. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round
  4. you disagree with the resolution
  5. your opponent and you take turns
  6. time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time
  7. to argue intentionally
  8. something you are arguing about
  9. supporting your side
  1. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  2. public form debate
  3. you agree with the resolution
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  5. the main point or separate argument
  6. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent
  7. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points
  8. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments

17 Clues: to agreepublic form debatesupporting your sideto argue intentionallyyou agree with the resolutionsomething you are arguing aboutyou disagree with the resolutionyour opponent and you take turnsthe main point or separate argumentwhere four debaters are allowed to speakAn argument that goes unanswered by your opponent...

Debate Vocabulary 2018-03-09

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The so-what factor of your claim. Impacts win debates. Explain why every claim is important. Assuming that something is important without proving the impact of it usually loses debates.
  2. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of clash. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  3. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  4. The exact wording of your topic. Good resolutions are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not a resolution. “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is a resolution.
  5. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make.
  6. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  7. Time: Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  8. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech. Typically: “Judge, I will be attacking our opponents’ case, and defending ours with the time remaining.” This tells the audience you are organized.
  9. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  10. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. The flow is separated by speech for organizational purposes. The flow is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  1. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. A constructive is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. A constructive includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion. weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  2. posting: Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments. “Now on my opponents first point,” is an example of sign posting. We now know where to write your upcoming response on our flow. It is very important to tell your judge where to write your arguments. If you don’t, they may not write them down at all.
  3. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, rebuttals are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  4. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.
  5. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  6. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points. For example, a Con gun control case might use “Constitutionality” (the 2nd Amendment) as their framework and offer it as the highest value in the round. A “Pro” gun control case might use “Safety” as the highest value in the round.

16 Clues: Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments.The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make....

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-26

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To agree
  2. Public forum debate
  3. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  4. To argure intelligently
  5. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  6. Time Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. you agree with the resolution
  8. Topic that you are arguing
  9. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well
  1. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  2. Argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. Supporting your side/argument
  4. You disagree with the resolution
  5. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  6. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  7. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  8. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.

17 Clues: To agreePublic forum debateTo argure intelligentlyTopic that you are arguingSupporting your side/argumentyou agree with the resolutionYou disagree with the resolutionThe cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim"....

Debate Vocabulary 2023-10-10

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A statement made that is open to challenge and that requires support
  2. At least 2 people equally trying to prove which side is right, using a formal structure.
  3. the Opposite argument or viewpoint
  4. Relevant pieces of information that supports a claim
  5. Having nothing to do with the subject
  6. A Statement made by the lawyer for each side at the beginning of the case
  7. To prove to be false or incorrect
  1. To recognize or admit
  2. A response that refutes an argument
  3. To defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning
  4. To examine, assess, and judge carefully
  5. Connected with or related to the subject
  6. A mental activity that consists of organizing information into a series of steps to reach a conclusion
  7. Confrontation in which people cross lines to prove to each other who or what is right
  8. Presenting a persuasive opinion
  9. Each person's summary of the case

16 Clues: To recognize or admitPresenting a persuasive opinionEach person's summary of the caseTo prove to be false or incorrectthe Opposite argument or viewpointA response that refutes an argumentHaving nothing to do with the subjectTo examine, assess, and judge carefullyConnected with or related to the subject...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-26

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  2. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  3. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  4. time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time this time is 3 minutes per team is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy.
  5. to agree
  6. the exact wording of your topic
  7. The topic your arguing
  8. to argue intelligently
  1. the first time you talk you are reading 1 speech you are a giving
  2. You agree with the resolution
  3. short for negative when you disagree with the resolution
  4. what it be about
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  7. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  8. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  9. The type of debate your doing

17 Clues: to agreewhat it be aboutThe topic your arguingto argue intelligentlyYou agree with the resolutionThe type of debate your doingthe exact wording of your topicshort for negative when you disagree with the resolutionthe first time you talk you are reading 1 speech you are a giving...

debate vocabulary 2021-10-26

debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time this time is 3 minutes per team is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy.
  2. To agree
  3. Public Forum Debate - The type of debate your doing ;partner;arguing with simple words
  4. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  5. You agree with the resolution
  6. Crossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  7. The topic your arguing
  8. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  9. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  10. to argue intelligently
  1. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  2. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  3. the exact wording of your topic
  4. what it be about
  5. short for negative when you disagree with the resolution
  6. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  7. the first time you talk you are reading 1 speech you are a giving

17 Clues: To agreewhat it be aboutThe topic your arguingto argue intelligentlyYou agree with the resolutionthe exact wording of your topicshort for negative when you disagree with the resolutionthe first time you talk you are reading 1 speech you are a givingA main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim"....

Debate Vocabulary 2019-04-15

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. posting Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments
  2. Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. This is argument will cause you to not be able to address it later
  3. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make
  4. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points
  5. The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.
  6. Crossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak
  7. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one
  1. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards
  2. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech
  3. Time Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time
  4. The exact wording of your topic.
  5. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  6. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points
  7. by line Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments
  8. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments

15 Clues: The exact wording of your topic.The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speechAligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ pointsposting Giving your audience a heads up when you change argumentsby line Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments...

Debate Vocabulary 2019-04-15

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments
  2. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points
  3. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  4. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. This is argument will cause you to not be able to address it later
  5. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech
  6. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments
  7. The exact wording of your topic.
  1. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one
  2. The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.
  3. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards
  5. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time
  6. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak
  7. posting Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments
  8. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points

15 Clues: The exact wording of your topic.The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speechUsing the flow to argue against your opponents’ argumentsAligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ pointsTime allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-26

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to argue intelligently
  2. time used to prepare your speech
  3. the cross examination where all four speakers are allowed to speak
  4. you agree with the resolution
  5. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round
  6. public forum debate
  7. A main point or separate argument
  8. supporting your argument
  1. an argument that goes unanswered by your
  2. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  3. topic that you are arguing
  4. the cross examination period where you and your opponent are allowed to ask questions
  5. to agree
  6. you disagree with the resolution
  7. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points.

15 Clues: to agreepublic forum debateto argue intelligentlysupporting your argumenttopic that you are arguingyou agree with the resolutiontime used to prepare your speechyou disagree with the resolutionA main point or separate argumentan argument that goes unanswered by yourAligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points....

Debate Vocabulary 2019-04-15

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments
  2. The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.
  3. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak
  4. A main point or separate argument; a general statement or point you are trying to make
  5. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class
  6. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time
  7. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech
  8. Using the flow to argue against your opponents’ arguments
  1. The exact wording of your topic.
  2. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. This is argument will cause you to not be able to address it later
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one
  4. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points
  5. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed. This is used to help the audience weigh your points
  6. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments
  7. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards

15 Clues: The exact wording of your topic.The so-what factor of your claim. It win debates.Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speechGiving your audience a heads up when you change argumentsUsing the flow to argue against your opponents’ argumentsAligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points...

Mrs. Johnson's "A Christmas Carol" (Horowitz) 2023-12-04

Mrs. Johnson's "A Christmas Carol" (Horowitz) crossword puzzle
  1. vocabulary word meaning "small in amount"
  2. vocabulary word meaning "to beg"
  3. vocabulary word meaning "an empty space"
  4. Scrooge's nephew's first name
  5. first ghost; ghost of Christmas _____
  6. boy in A1S2 sings "away in a _______"
  7. first name Bob, Scrooge's clerk
  8. vocabulary word meaning "irresistible urge"
  9. second ghost; ghost of Christmas ________
  10. vocabulary word meaning "loud enough to be heard"
  11. vocabulary word meaning "gloomy"
  1. ghost, Scrooge's business partner
  2. city the story takes place in
  3. vocabulary word meaning "extremely poor"
  4. another word for ghost, Marley is a _________
  5. kind of mill wheel used to punish prisonors
  6. vocabulary word meaning "to strike with wonder"
  7. Marley's first name
  8. first name Ebenezer, main character

19 Clues: Marley's first namecity the story takes place inScrooge's nephew's first namefirst name Bob, Scrooge's clerkvocabulary word meaning "to beg"vocabulary word meaning "gloomy"ghost, Scrooge's business partnerfirst name Ebenezer, main characterfirst ghost; ghost of Christmas _____boy in A1S2 sings "away in a _______"...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-04-22

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To admit that someone else is right
  2. To argue both sides of a topic
  3. A subject to be debated
  4. An opposing argument or response
  5. To write exactly what someone said
  6. A response to a counterargument
  7. A strong statement to support one side of an argument
  1. A feeling or belief
  2. Facts and examples that prove something
  3. The side that supports the proposition
  4. Make a firm decision
  5. Side that opposes the proposition
  6. To try to convince someone
  7. Something proven to be true

14 Clues: A feeling or beliefMake a firm decisionA subject to be debatedTo try to convince someoneSomething proven to be trueTo argue both sides of a topicA response to a counterargumentAn opposing argument or responseSide that opposes the propositionTo write exactly what someone saidTo admit that someone else is rightThe side that supports the proposition...

debate vocabulary 2024-02-09

debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Précisément
  2. Pas question (2,3)
  3. Il est indéniable que (2,2,10,4)
  4. Tout bien considéré (3,2,3)
  5. J'en doute fort (1,6,5,2)
  6. Pour résumer (2,3,2)
  7. Carrément
  8. Après tout (5,3)
  1. Ainsi
  2. En gros (4,5,5)
  3. En fin de compte
  4. Que l'on veuille ou non (7,3,4,2,2,3)
  5. Par ailleurs (2,8)
  6. Il va sans dire que (2,4,7,6,4)

14 Clues: AinsiCarrémentPrécisémentEn gros (4,5,5)En fin de compteAprès tout (5,3)Par ailleurs (2,8)Pas question (2,3)Pour résumer (2,3,2)J'en doute fort (1,6,5,2)Tout bien considéré (3,2,3)Il va sans dire que (2,4,7,6,4)Il est indéniable que (2,2,10,4)Que l'on veuille ou non (7,3,4,2,2,3)

Animal Farm 2023-11-20

Animal Farm crossword puzzle
  1. this character is admired by all other animals on the farm.
  2. this rhetorical device persuades you by appealing to your emotions.
  3. this character represents Tsar Nicholas
  4. a type of propaganda that repeats statements over and over.
  5. vocabulary word meaning scold
  6. vocabulary word meaning explained
  7. the animal chased off of the farm by 9 dogs
  8. the farm Mollie goes to in chapter 5.
  9. a vocabulary word meaning after death
  10. mr. Jones special pet
  11. a vocabulary word meaning waiting
  12. a type of propaganda that makes bold statements
  13. a vocabulary word meaning unplanned
  14. Squealer represents this
  15. where Moses says the animals will go when they die.
  16. vocabulary word meaning kind
  17. vocabulary word meaning stepped on
  1. vocabulary word meaning treating badly
  2. this character represents the aristocracy
  3. asking a question that implies the answer.
  4. a vocabulary word meaning excuse
  5. vocabulary word meaning negative/jaded
  6. represents Stalin's 5 year plan to industrialize
  7. creating a common enemy
  8. this character represents Joseph Stalin
  9. this rhetorical device persuades you by gaining credibility and trust.
  10. came up with the foundation of Animalism
  11. a type of propaganda that twists the truth
  12. this character is always very cryptic
  13. a vocabulary word meaning landed
  14. a vocabulary word meaning approve
  15. a type of propaganda that chooses certain facts
  16. this rhetorical device use statistics and data.

33 Clues: mr. Jones special petcreating a common enemySquealer represents thisvocabulary word meaning kindvocabulary word meaning scolda vocabulary word meaning excusea vocabulary word meaning landedvocabulary word meaning explaineda vocabulary word meaning waitinga vocabulary word meaning approvevocabulary word meaning stepped on...

Debate 2022-04-08

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. Proven
  2. The right to speak
  3. Position on the resolution
  4. Attacks and Destroys
  5. Reduces uncertainty
  6. Workability between a policy and it's effects
  7. Error in conclusion based on faulty reasoning
  8. More than half of the people voting
  9. Neglect to continue an argument
  10. Undesirable impact
  11. Believability
  12. A subdivision of an issue
  13. Proposal for action
  14. The plank of the plan
  15. Significant improvement over the status quo
  1. Accusatory statement
  2. Underlying belief with wide acceptance
  3. Direct opposition
  4. Making up evidence
  5. An argument against the plan
  6. Supports a position
  7. Attitude or belief
  8. The specific affirmative plan
  9. An authority
  10. The side that opposes

25 Clues: ProvenAn authorityBelievabilityDirect oppositionThe right to speakMaking up evidenceAttitude or beliefUndesirable impactReduces uncertaintySupports a positionProposal for actionAccusatory statementAttacks and DestroysThe plank of the planThe side that opposesA subdivision of an issuePosition on the resolutionAn argument against the plan...

Debate!!! 2014-04-30

Debate!!! crossword puzzle
  1. the process of drawing conclusions from evidence and connecting ideas,situations,and events
  2. stating the opinions or conclusions of others who special knowledge or experience about the issue you are discussing
  3. also known as the problem;showing that a serious problem exists in the present policy
  4. showing the seriousness of the problems within the current policy
  5. the use of numbers to prove or disapprove a point
  6. the speed at which a person speaks
  7. body language
  8. determining if the present system will solve the problem or make it worse
  9. the same as the debate proposition
  10. a discussion and exchange of two opposing points of view on a particular topic
  11. also known as oral style; your choice and use of words
  1. the use and motion of the hands and arms
  2. overcoming arguments by your opponents and reexplaining or rebuilding your own arguments
  3. supporting material used in a debate to prove or disapprove something
  4. the loudness or softness of your voice
  5. the way you pronounce or enunciate words and syllables
  6. challenging your opponents' points by showing flaws and weaknesses in their arguments
  7. also known as a resolution;it is the actual topic of the debate
  8. the team that normally argues for the proposition, which suggests a change in a given policy
  9. the benefits to your plan or solution
  10. the tone or level of your voice
  11. also known as analogy
  12. the team that normally argues against a change and suggests that things should remain the same
  13. telling or retelling a story;giving details that relate to your argument or point

24 Clues: body languagealso known as analogythe tone or level of your voicethe speed at which a person speaksthe same as the debate propositionthe benefits to your plan or solutionthe loudness or softness of your voicethe use and motion of the hands and armsthe use of numbers to prove or disapprove a point...

Debate 2023-03-13

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. A contentious assertion that forms a basis for the debate (must be arguable)
  2. opposition to the withdrawal of state support from an established organization or church ( America)
  3. to speak clearly (remember the carrot and "Who is the Judge?"
  4. An argument in favor of the team topic that holds enough ethos, pathos, logos in the material to make a valid point
  5. To know what they are debating and define the word so it fits the purpose of their debate
  6. An object, picture, photo, chart or other image that the audience can see that enhances, informs more or persuades
  7. an individual argument's ethos (credible sources) that help the audience buy into the explanation
  8. a state of disorder due to absence or non recognition of authority
  9. a power pose to help lower the stress response (cortisol) and increase feel goods (testosterone) in order to feel calm when public speaking
  10. an appeal to logic; a+b=c
  11. manner- addressing your opponent professionally
  12. an individual arguments logos
  13. Dividing arguments between the first and second speakers, so each speaker knows what to present
  14. Making complicated concepts easier to follow.
  15. When a topic can have multiple meanings (something you want to avoid)
  16. Aristotle coined this as the most powerfully persuasive you can be by using all three appeals: ethos, pathos and logos.
  17. information that has an expert to build trustworthiness in your argument
  18. Finding the issue (You can't fight your opponent unless you meet at the same place)
  19. 3 vs. 3 The affirmative team speaks first, then first negative, then second affirmative, then second negative, then the third affirmative, then the third negative.
  20. Multiple meaning topic that uses an analogy- which means a reward (carrot) is better used to get things done than the stick (punishment)
  21. 1. give good reasons why your side of the topic is true and 2. show why your opposition's reasons are wrong.
  1. Defining the topic clearly for both sides for debate
  2. Team that argues the topic is true & wants change
  3. An attack on an opponent's arguments
  4. Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent
  5. the person who helps with the flow of debate, introduces the topic and teams
  6. He does not exist
  7. a mic drop to ask your audience to actually do something based off of your issue
  8. 1. You need to decide what the words of the topic mean for the purposes of this debate- 'the definition' 2. Reasons why your side of the topic is true- 'the arguments', join arguments together as a single 'case approach' 3. Divide arguments between first and second speakers, so each speaker knows what to present- 'the split'
  9. The judge is God
  10. For example, "Is the carrot better than the stick" can be a topic that uses a literary device to compare two unlike things to create a bigger picture
  11. How many issues can you debate?
  12. an individual arguments topic sentence
  13. A formal argument, an activity involving two teams of three speakers each, with a set topic and an adjudicator
  14. Team that argues the topic is not true and wants things to stay the same
  15. an appeal to credibility and ethics
  16. Individual reasons why your team's side of the topic is true built by your Label, Explanation, Examples, and Tie Back
  17. Deciding what the words of the topic mean for the purposes of this debate (not a dictionary definition)
  18. an appeal to emotion
  19. A team's arguments joined together in a statement
  20. A way to calm the nervous system down by inhaling 4, holding 4, exhaling 4 and holding four while repeating for several minutes in order to help with public speaking
  21. A person who decides who wins and who loses a debate, no draw
  22. an individual argument's pathos (mic drop while tugging on the heart strings)

43 Clues: The judge is GodHe does not existan appeal to emotionan appeal to logic; a+b=can individual arguments logosHow many issues can you debate?an appeal to credibility and ethicsAn attack on an opponent's argumentsan individual arguments topic sentenceMaking complicated concepts easier to follow.manner- addressing your opponent professionally...

Unit Five Review 2024-04-09

Unit Five Review crossword puzzle
  1. A vocabulary word meaning to do something thoroughly
  2. Facts, statistics, quotes, anecdotes
  3. A vocabulary word meaning with caution and without confidence
  4. A vocabulary word meaning the postponement of a punishment
  5. Punctuation used to signal a pause in a sentence, a list or make things easier to read
  6. The title of a short story in Unit Five
  7. An autobiographical account of a person's experiences and observations
  8. The author's attitude toward their writing
  9. The emotional atmosphere the writer creates for the reader
  10. An educated guess based on what you know and what the text tells you
  11. The author's position on a topic or issue
  12. Interruptions in the chronological narrative
  13. A vocabulary word meaning to praise
  14. A vocabulary word meaning final or concluding
  1. A vocabulary word meaning to limit or impede growth
  2. A vocabulary word meaning to carry out a plan
  3. A vocabulary word meaning to criticize
  4. The sequence of events in a work of fiction
  5. A vocabulary word meaning to gradually intrude upon or invade
  6. The underlying message that usually emerges through an inference
  7. The title of an argument in Unit five
  8. The title of a memoir in Unit Five
  9. Explanations that support the claim
  10. A vocabulary word meaning extremely thin and weak
  11. The title of a memoir in Unit Five

25 Clues: The title of a memoir in Unit FiveThe title of a memoir in Unit FiveExplanations that support the claimA vocabulary word meaning to praiseFacts, statistics, quotes, anecdotesThe title of an argument in Unit fiveA vocabulary word meaning to criticizeThe title of a short story in Unit FiveThe author's position on a topic or issue...

KGTT1400: Vocabulary Review (Sep. 14 - Oct. 3) 2023-10-04

KGTT1400: Vocabulary Review (Sep. 14 - Oct. 3) crossword puzzle
  1. (vocabulary: Sep 19) The Tigers ___ (won) the Giants all three days.
  2. (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ sick yesterday.
  3. (vocabulary: Sep. 19) My sister-___-___ (your partner’s sister) is getting married this weekend.
  4. (vocabulary: Sep. 28) I use ___ (2 words) if my eyes are ___.
  5. (vocabulary: Sep. 28) My daughter ___ sick last week, so I ___ a day ___.
  6. (finish) ___ (>1) you have fun.
  7. (vocabulary: Sep. 21) a ___ (>1) 🚅
  8. (vocabulary: Sep. 19) 🔺 I'm not good condition today. ✅ I ___ (2 words) good today.
  9. (vocabulary: Sep. 19) The Giants ___ (2 words; didn’t win) the Tigers all three days, so I was sad.
  1. (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ my ___' ___. (the place where people from long ago are buried) last week.
  2. (vocabulary: Sep. 28) Do you have any ___ (2 words) weekend?
  3. (vocabulary: Sep. 14) I ___ (3 words; 🍻) yesterday after the environmental audit.
  4. (vocabulary: Sep. 19) 🔺 This Friday I absent the work.. ✅ ___ (2 words) this Friday ___.
  5. (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ (>1) sick yesterday. (sick AND you didn’t work)
  6. (vocabulary: Sep. 14) This weekend I'm ___ my aunt's birthday, and Shinichi is ___ (same word) his wife's birthday.
  7. (vocabulary: Oct. 3) In other companies, they ___ (= to pay someone to help them do something) employees for working___ home.

16 Clues: (finish) ___ (>1) you have fun.(vocabulary: Sep. 21) a ___ (>1) 🚅(vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ sick yesterday.(vocabulary: Sep. 28) Do you have any ___ (2 words) weekend?(vocabulary: Sep. 28) I use ___ (2 words) if my eyes are ___.(vocabulary: Sep 19) The Tigers ___ (won) the Giants all three days....

VOCABULARY 2 2018-03-15

VOCABULARY 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Decrease in number
  2. Intangible; theoretical
  3. Thankfulness
  4. To suffer patiently without giving up
  5. Kindness
  6. Friendly
  7. decode
  8. Well-spoken
  9. Incarnation
  10. Distribute
  11. Unclear
  12. Planned route or journey
  13. Take or seize
  14. Annihilate
  15. Kidnap
  16. Prevent someone from accomplishing something
  17. Spontaneous; unplanned
  18. yearly
  19. Adjust to changing conditions
  1. abolish
  2. Arrangement by time
  3. Priced separately
  4. Pliable; adjustable
  5. Quarrel
  6. Humbleness
  7. Fruitful; productive
  8. Attempt; strive
  9. One after another
  10. General agreement
  11. Overemphasize
  12. Cannot be defeated
  13. Insulting God
  14. Desert, forsake
  15. Infectious (of a disease)
  16. Travel to and from work
  17. Portray
  18. Debate
  19. Specialized vocabulary
  20. Eliminate; put an end
  21. Ending suddenly

40 Clues: decodeDebateKidnapyearlyabolishQuarrelUnclearPortrayKindnessFriendlyHumblenessDistributeAnnihilateWell-spokenIncarnationThankfulnessOveremphasizeInsulting GodTake or seizeAttempt; striveDesert, forsakeEnding suddenlyPriced separatelyOne after anotherGeneral agreementDecrease in numberCannot be defeatedArrangement by timePliable; adjustable...

VOCABULARY 2 2018-03-15

VOCABULARY 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Decrease in number
  2. Portray
  3. Travel to and from work
  4. Infectious (of a disease)
  5. Distribute
  6. Unclear
  7. Adjust to changing conditions
  8. Eliminate; put an end
  9. abolish
  10. One after another
  11. Kidnap
  12. Kindness
  13. Prevent someone from accomplishing something
  14. yearly
  15. Debate
  16. Annihilate
  1. Fruitful; productive
  2. To suffer patiently without giving up
  3. Cannot be defeated
  4. Pliable; adjustable
  5. Take or seize
  6. Humbleness
  7. Attempt; strive
  8. Quarrel
  9. Planned route or journey
  10. Spontaneous; unplanned
  11. Friendly
  12. decode
  13. Insulting God
  14. General agreement
  15. Overemphasize
  16. Incarnation
  17. Thankfulness
  18. Intangible; theoretical
  19. Well-spoken
  20. Ending suddenly
  21. Priced separately
  22. Arrangement by time
  23. Specialized vocabulary
  24. Desert, forsake

40 Clues: decodeKidnapyearlyDebateQuarrelPortrayUnclearabolishFriendlyKindnessHumblenessDistributeAnnihilateIncarnationWell-spokenThankfulnessTake or seizeInsulting GodOveremphasizeAttempt; striveEnding suddenlyDesert, forsakeGeneral agreementPriced separatelyOne after anotherDecrease in numberCannot be defeatedPliable; adjustableArrangement by time...

Unit 10 Review and Extension 2020-06-22

Unit 10 Review and Extension crossword puzzle
  1. grammar D1
  2. grammar A2
  3. vocabulary A3
  4. grammar D2
  5. vocabulary A1
  6. vocabulary B4
  7. vocabulary B1
  1. vocabulary A4
  2. grammar A3
  3. grammar A19 muahhaha
  4. vocabulary B3
  5. vocabulary A2
  6. grammar D3
  7. vocabulary B2

14 Clues: grammar D1grammar A3grammar A2grammar D3grammar D2vocabulary A4vocabulary B3vocabulary A2vocabulary A3vocabulary B2vocabulary A1vocabulary B4vocabulary B1grammar A19 muahhaha

Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-30

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. man vs. self
  2. vocabulary word for hard working
  3. who buried the Scarlet ibis
  4. man vs. society
  5. vocabulary word for new
  6. over exaggeration
  7. vocabulary word for praise
  8. vocabulary word for extravagant
  9. "such a name that only sounds good on a tombstone is an example of.
  1. backwards how did doodle get his nickname
  2. time and place of the story
  3. composers that uses like or as
  4. How is doodle like the Scarlet Ibis
  5. vocabulary word for cunning
  6. the message of the story
  7. who is the main character in the Scarlet Ibis
  8. how did doodle die
  9. what does the bleeding tree represent
  10. vocabulary word for common
  11. who is the narrator of the story

20 Clues: man vs. selfman vs. societyover exaggerationhow did doodle dievocabulary word for newthe message of the storyvocabulary word for commonvocabulary word for praisetime and place of the storyvocabulary word for cunningwho buried the Scarlet ibiscomposers that uses like or asvocabulary word for extravagantvocabulary word for hard working...

The Feather Pillow 2021-09-02

The Feather Pillow crossword puzzle
  1. paragraph 3 line 4 word 12
  2. paragraph 20 line 2 word 7
  3. first vocabulary word
  4. paragraph 5 line 1 word 15
  5. paragraph 28 line 5 word 7
  6. new co-teacher
  7. second vocabulary word
  8. tenth vocabulary word
  9. paragraph 1 line 1 word 9
  1. sixth vocabulary word
  2. eighth vocabulary word
  3. paragraph 29 line 2 word 2
  4. fourth vocabulary word
  5. paragraph 18 line 4 word 8
  6. paragraph 8 line 2 word 3
  7. paragraph 9 line 1 word 6
  8. old co-teacher
  9. paragraph 20 line 1 word 3

18 Clues: new co-teacherold co-teachersixth vocabulary wordfirst vocabulary wordtenth vocabulary wordeighth vocabulary wordfourth vocabulary wordsecond vocabulary wordparagraph 8 line 2 word 3paragraph 9 line 1 word 6paragraph 1 line 1 word 9paragraph 3 line 4 word 12paragraph 20 line 2 word 7paragraph 29 line 2 word 2paragraph 18 line 4 word 8...

We Failed to Hear them When They Lived. 2022-04-06

We Failed to Hear them When They Lived. crossword puzzle
  1. vocabulary word meaning a celebration of an individual or event
  2. vocabulary word meaning a dangerous, difficult, or challenging situation
  3. vocabulary word meaning surprising, previously unknown facts
  4. vocabulary word meaning official statements
  5. vocabulary word meaning an extremely cruel act, often leading to the loss of life
  6. vocabulary word meaning never done or known before
  1. vocabulary word meaning shocking to bring about actions
  2. vocabulary word meaning causing to fall apart
  3. vocabulary word meaning happening frequently, over time
  4. vocabulary word meaning the extended cruel treatment and removal of rights
  5. vocabulary word meaning to understand through touch
  6. vocabulary word meaning a sense/feeling of disgust
  7. vocabulary word meaning intense happiness/celebration
  8. vocabulary word meaning a person/event bringing about change

14 Clues: vocabulary word meaning official statementsvocabulary word meaning causing to fall apartvocabulary word meaning a sense/feeling of disgustvocabulary word meaning never done or known beforevocabulary word meaning to understand through touchvocabulary word meaning intense happiness/celebrationvocabulary word meaning shocking to bring about actions...

Unit Four Review 2024-03-01

Unit Four Review crossword puzzle
  1. Specific ways of using language--authors use to emphasize key ideas
  2. A vocabulary word meaning a person who enjoys the company of others
  3. A rhetorical device where the author address the readers using the pronouns "you or yourself"
  4. A vocabulary word meaning to do something in a manner that is not obvious
  5. A vocabulary word meaning something that stands out
  6. Includes footnotes and endnotes
  7. A vocabulary word meaning an improvement or step forward
  8. A viewpoint or position on an issue
  9. Statements that address opposing viewpoints
  10. An author's reason for writing a text
  11. A vocabulary word meaning to become fainter or more distant
  12. A vocabulary word meaning questionable or not to be relied upon
  13. An example of a science writing in Unit Four
  14. A vocabulary word meaning extremely important or significant
  15. An example of a science fiction short story in Unit Four
  1. A particular arrangement of ideas and information.
  2. Helps to shape both tone and voice in a text
  3. A vocabulary word meaning to send a group of people to a new place and establish a colony or settlement
  4. An author's unique use of language that allows a reader to "hear" a human personality
  5. The feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader
  6. A vocabulary word meaning someone or something that appears lonely or sad
  7. A vocabulary word meaning a controlled environment
  8. The author's attitude toward a subject
  9. A list of statements that recognize the contributions made by people or organizations to the creation of the text
  10. A vocabulary word meaning a gaseous mass that surrounds a planet
  11. There are three examples of this type of text in Unit Four
  12. A vocabulary word meaning to have or require
  13. Declarations made to explain an action or belief
  14. A rhetorical device that consists of words with strongly positive or negative connotations
  15. Specific facts, statistics, or examples

30 Clues: Includes footnotes and endnotesA viewpoint or position on an issueAn author's reason for writing a textThe author's attitude toward a subjectSpecific facts, statistics, or examplesStatements that address opposing viewpointsHelps to shape both tone and voice in a textA vocabulary word meaning to have or require...

debate 2023-10-11

debate crossword puzzle
  1. A method of reasoning/thinking
  2. A cause and effect relationship in which ONE variable controls the changes in another variable.
  3. the opposite argument or viewpoint from what the speaker/writer is saying
  4. a response that refutes an argument; a comeback
  5. A relationship between two variables.
  6. Mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail
  7. To recognize or admit
  8. to prove to be false or incorrect
  9. A mental activity that consists of organizing information or beliefs into a series of steps to reach conclusions
  1. An assertion or claim
  2. To examine, assess, and judge carefully.
  3. Defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning
  4. Connected with or related to the subject
  5. Having nothing to do with the subject
  6. statement: a statement made by the lawyer for each side at the beginning of a trial, in which each lawyer outlines the case he or she intends to present.
  7. A statement or assertion that is open to challenge and that requires support
  8. relevant pieces of information that support a claim: facts, quotations, examples, statistics, or stories.
  9. statement: in a trial, each attorney's summary of the case, which attempts to persuade the judge (and the jury if there is one) to favor his or her side.

18 Clues: An assertion or claimTo recognize or admitA method of reasoning/thinkingto prove to be false or incorrectHaving nothing to do with the subjectA relationship between two variables.To examine, assess, and judge carefully.Connected with or related to the subjecta response that refutes an argument; a comeback...

Speech & Debate Vocabulary 2022-12-16

Speech & Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. words
  2. regional or cultural words
  3. misleading ads
  4. rules for meetings
  5. speaker's attitude
  6. hidden meaning
  7. communication w/o words
  8. convicing
  9. arguing w/prepeared speeches
  10. contrast or connection
  11. spectators
  12. formal speaking to an audience
  13. between 2 or more people
  14. used to remember
  1. used to evoke emotional reaction
  2. evaluation
  3. understood by specific people
  4. dictionary meaning
  5. biases
  6. contradictions
  7. something that gets in the way
  8. return message
  9. most important
  10. old words in new ways
  11. facial expressions, gestures

25 Clues: wordsbiasesconvicingevaluationspectatorsmisleading adshidden meaningcontradictionsreturn messagemost importantused to rememberdictionary meaningrules for meetingsspeaker's attitudeold words in new wayscontrast or connectioncommunication w/o wordsbetween 2 or more peopleregional or cultural wordsarguing w/prepeared speeches...

Learn Debate Vocabulary! 2023-10-13

Learn Debate Vocabulary! crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the site any debater should register for, as well as the physical location where the tournament staff tabulate results.
  2. An acronym frequently seen in resolutions, which includes three branches of government: executive, judicial, and legislative
  3. The period that comes after a constructive speech. Also used to be a term to describe policy debate as a whole.
  4. When an impact will happen.
  5. Evidence proving that a team's plan will solve for the harms they identify.
  6. An important part of the ballot that describes WHY a judge chose the winning team.
  7. The current state of affairs; the present system.
  8. How large an impact is.
  9. In other words, the "Pro" side. They go first and have the last word.
  10. You should take this when you can!
  11. To make an elimination round is to...
  12. How likely an impact is.
  13. A piece of evidence containing a tag, source, and body of text.
  1. Used to describe a harm or benefit that can happen on either side of the debate.
  2. The written feedback you receive from a judge after the round, which includes the winner and constructive criticism.
  3. A document that describes who is debating where, and against which team, at a specific time.
  4. Not necessarily math, but a strategy for weighing impacts.
  5. A sentence describing the core topic you debate for the season. Don't forget to read this!
  6. An organized way to take notes during a debate; both a noun and verb.
  7. In other words, the "Con" side. They go second.
  8. A brief introduction at the beginning of a speech where a debater outlines the order of issues they will address.
  9. A strategy that allows the negative team to advocate for a separate plan instead of just negating the Affirmative plan.
  10. Harms, Inherency, Solvency, and Topicality are all considered _________ issues.
  11. To not answer an argument by the opposing team.
  12. A wrestling term applied to debate, when debate partners may both answer questions during Cross-X.
  13. Used to make sure you don't speak for too long.

26 Clues: How large an impact is.How likely an impact is.When an impact will happen.You should take this when you can!To make an elimination round is to...In other words, the "Con" side. They go second.To not answer an argument by the opposing team.Used to make sure you don't speak for too long.The current state of affairs; the present system....

Zlata's Diary 2020-10-11

Zlata's Diary crossword puzzle
  1. Basement.
  2. A period of such armed conflict.
  3. To ruin or damage (vocabulary).
  4. Scribbles.
  5. “Sarajevo __” was the name of the song the radios kept playing. (2 words)
  6. What people actually experience (vocabulary).
  7. Someone __ has lost hope (vocabulary).
  8. Without guilt (vocabulary).
  9. To affect in an important way (vocabulary).
  10. Kindness and compassion for others (vocabulary).
  11. A collection of young people's diaries written during wars that Zlata co-edited. (2 words)
  12. The first three diary entries were written in the month of __.
  13. Ethnic group identified with an "S".
  14. Relating to government activities and policy (vocabulary).
  1. Zlata’s last name.
  2. A daily account of events, thoughts and feelings. Private and personal. (2 words)
  3. City of Yugoslavia where the story takes place.
  4. Temporary homes.
  5. A fight or disagreement between 2 people or groups of people (vocabulary).
  6. Ethnic group identified with a "C".
  7. Grown-ups.
  8. Person who flees to a foreign country to escape danger or persecution.
  9. A piece of __ killed Eldin. It is the shell's metal.
  10. Zlata’s diary’s name.
  11. Ethnic group identified with an "M".
  12. City where Zlata and her family escaped to.

26 Clues: Basement.Scribbles.Grown-ups.Temporary homes.Zlata’s last name.Zlata’s diary’s name.Without guilt (vocabulary).To ruin or damage (vocabulary).A period of such armed conflict.Ethnic group identified with a "C".Ethnic group identified with an "M".Ethnic group identified with an "S".Someone __ has lost hope (vocabulary)....

debate 2024-06-07

debate crossword puzzle
  1. es el artre o tecnica de usar el lenguaje de manera mas efectiva
  2. es presentar argumentos en contra de una afirmacion
  3. es una forma de comunicacion oral en las que las personas expresan sus ideas
  4. es una respuesta o comentario que se hace para respender a algo
  5. es una persona que supervisa y regula el debate
  6. es una declaracion sobre algo con proposito de expresar una idea
  7. se refiere ala posicion en que se encuentra un entorno
  8. es el asunto o idea principal que se aborda o discute sobre una obra literaria en un discurso
  9. es la parte final o el cierre de un discurso ensayo, investigacion o otro tipo de presentacion
  1. son las controversias entre 2 o mas personas que intercambian ideas o palabras sobre un tema
  2. es un tipo de informacion datos hechos o pruebas que respaldan datos
  3. es el proceso de influir en las creencias de personas a traves de argumentos
  4. es un punto de vista desde donde se observa un evento
  5. es un contraste entre dos cosas simultaneas
  6. es un grupo de expertos o personas con conocimientos especificos para discutir un tema en particular enfrente una audiencia
  7. es un desacuerdo o debate intenso y prolongado sobre algo especifico
  8. conjunto de afirmaciones o premisas que se presentan para respaldar una idea
  9. es el proceso de evaluar y formar una opinion sobre algo

18 Clues: es un contraste entre dos cosas simultaneases una persona que supervisa y regula el debatees presentar argumentos en contra de una afirmaciones un punto de vista desde donde se observa un eventose refiere ala posicion en que se encuentra un entornoes el proceso de evaluar y formar una opinion sobre algo...

Crossword 22/5/14 2014-05-21

Crossword 22/5/14 crossword puzzle
  1. to congratulate someone on an achievement
  2. used to connect sentences together
  3. words used in sentences
  4. to make something straighter
  5. caused by toxic explosion or waste
  6. To disagree and debate over something
  1. a model built for transportation
  2. used to make stories and sentences stand out
  3. a word used for describing a kind person
  4. questing equation of sum or measurement
  5. the claps of a word?
  6. used to make sentences bigger eg. And Or
  7. a cage or house used for birds
  8. used to describe a happy person
  9. a series of levels put into one

15 Clues: the claps of a word?words used in sentencesto make something straightera cage or house used for birdsused to describe a happy persona series of levels put into onea model built for transportationused to connect sentences togethercaused by toxic explosion or wasteTo disagree and debate over somethingquesting equation of sum or measurement...

Crossword 22/5/14 2014-05-21

Crossword 22/5/14 crossword puzzle
  1. a series of levels put into one
  2. words used in sentences
  3. used to connect sentences together
  4. caused by toxic explosion or waste
  5. to make something straighter
  6. a model built for transportation
  7. To disagree and debate over something
  1. used to describe a happy person
  2. to congratulate someone on an achievement
  3. used to make stories and sentences stand out
  4. questing equation of sum or measurement
  5. the claps of a word?
  6. a word used for describing a kind person
  7. used to make sentences bigger eg. And Or
  8. a cage or house used for birds

15 Clues: the claps of a word?words used in sentencesto make something straightera cage or house used for birdsused to describe a happy persona series of levels put into onea model built for transportationused to connect sentences togethercaused by toxic explosion or wasteTo disagree and debate over somethingquesting equation of sum or measurement...

Crossword 22/5/14 2014-05-21

Crossword 22/5/14 crossword puzzle
  1. to congratulate someone on an achievement
  2. used to make stories and sentences stand out
  3. words used in sentences
  4. to make something straighter
  5. a model built for transportation
  6. To disagree and debate over something
  7. the claps of a word?
  1. a series of levels put into one
  2. questing equation of sum or measurement
  3. used to connect sentences together
  4. a cage or house used for birds
  5. caused by toxic explosion or waste
  6. a word used for describing a kind person
  7. used to describe a happy person
  8. used to make sentences bigger eg. And Or

15 Clues: the claps of a word?words used in sentencesto make something straightera cage or house used for birdsa series of levels put into oneused to describe a happy persona model built for transportationused to connect sentences togethercaused by toxic explosion or wasteTo disagree and debate over somethingquesting equation of sum or measurement...

Debate Vocabulary 2023-01-26

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. your ____ of voice;
  2. a formal opinion provided on a given topic with reasoning and evidence.
  3. this word is another way of saying why the claim matters. Remember, Claim Warrant and _____
  4. an informal way of expressing your feelings on a subject.
  5. a form of note-taking that allows debaters to take notes quickly and keep track of speeches.
  6. the listeners in a debate round are called the...
  7. a debaters opinion on a topic; this sentence is one of three reasons WHY you agree or disagree with a topic.
  1. a speech that is trying to convince the listener to think/do something is called...
  2. a basic layout of a speech; can be expanded later.
  3. this is your evidence for the debate round. Any outside research articles, or news articles that you can use to back up your point.
  4. a speech written from an outline.
  5. a formal exchange of arguments between two people, or teams of people over a provided topic.

12 Clues: your ____ of voice;a speech written from an outline.the listeners in a debate round are called the...a basic layout of a speech; can be expanded informal way of expressing your feelings on a subject.a formal opinion provided on a given topic with reasoning and evidence....

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. crossfire The cross-examination period is where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  2. argument an argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. The main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  4. Fire the cross-examination period is where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up
  5. The note-taking technique is used in debates to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  6. Time allotted to each team does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  1. time your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  2. speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  3. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note
  4. the exact wording of your topic. Good ones are worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one. “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  5. The speeches where you offer your main points follow the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  6. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other team's points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes

12 Clues: time your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.The main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".crossfire The cross-examination period is where all four debaters are allowed to speak....

Fall Debate Vocabulary 2024-01-16

Fall Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The struggle or clash between opposing forces in a story
  2. A quality, trait, or characteristic
  3. Taking the lead in starting projects or tasks without being prompted
  4. Earlier, most recent
  5. purpose; role; use
  6. To show; To display
  7. something made of different parts that relate to each other or work together
  8. Large; Important
  9. possibility, future capability
  1. To be made up of
  2. To keep up; to sustain
  3. Qualified for
  4. to understand or explain something’s meaning
  5. Major disagreement or dispute among many people
  6. A literary device where the author provides hints or clues about future events in a story
  7. The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
  8. The belief that some people or ideas are better than others; prejudice
  9. Related to the body
  10. To show to be right; to explain

19 Clues: Qualified forTo be made up ofLarge; Importantpurpose; role; useRelated to the bodyTo show; To displayEarlier, most recentTo keep up; to sustainpossibility, future capabilityTo show to be right; to explainA quality, trait, or characteristicto understand or explain something’s meaningMajor disagreement or dispute among many people...

Debate Vocabulary 2024-03-15

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Latin for “the state in which” or how things are now; negative side defends this in their debate.
  2. No or false; the side that disagrees with the resolution and wants the present practice to stay the same
  3. Yes or true; the side that agrees with the resolution and wants a change to present practices
  4. The specific speech that a debater makes to build a case
  5. The statement of the point to be debated.
  6. The formal statement of the proposition.
  7. To show that something is false or wrong
  1. The duty or responsibility to prove something; affirmative side has this duty.
  2. A speech to weaken or contradict (counterclaim) an opponent’s earlier arguments, evidence and/or sources
  3. Question & answer session immediately after a constructive speech
  4. A formal contest of skill in reasoned argument.
  5. A reason for favoring a side of a proposition.

12 Clues: The formal statement of the proposition.To show that something is false or wrongThe statement of the point to be debated.A reason for favoring a side of a proposition.A formal contest of skill in reasoned argument.The specific speech that a debater makes to build a caseQuestion & answer session immediately after a constructive speech...

Advanced Vocab 5 2023-11-06

Advanced Vocab 5 crossword puzzle
  1. to reduce the severity of pain or hardship
  2. to bring up a subject for discussion or debate
  3. to reduce the quality, value, or worth of something
  4. bitterly sarcastic or grimly mocking
  5. a bitter enemy
  1. unnecessary and usually done for shock value
  2. someone who gets angry easily
  3. language and vocabulary specific to a particular group
  4. lacking vitality; dull
  5. to imitate or copy someone you admire

10 Clues: a bitter enemylacking vitality; dullsomeone who gets angry easilybitterly sarcastic or grimly mockingto imitate or copy someone you admireto reduce the severity of pain or hardshipunnecessary and usually done for shock valueto bring up a subject for discussion or debateto reduce the quality, value, or worth of something...

Sports 2024-03-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Major Brand Tennis W
  2. Soccer Player C
  3. Soccer Team R
  4. Basketball Player L
  5. Football Equipment H
  6. Volleyball Technical Vocabulary S
  7. Major Brand Soccer A
  8. Tennis Court W
  9. Tennis Equipment G
  10. Volleyball Team B
  11. Tennis Player N
  12. Basketball Technical Vocabulary T
  13. Basketball Court M
  1. Soccer Technical Vocabulary D
  2. Basketball Team L
  3. Tennis Double Team B
  4. Tennis Technical Vocabulary F
  5. Volleyball PLayer Y
  6. Football Stadium L
  7. NFL Football Team D
  8. Football Technical Vocabulary T
  9. Soccer Equipment C
  10. Volleyball Arena S
  11. Soccer Stadium S
  12. Football Player J
  13. Major Brand Football N
  14. Major Brand Volleyball M
  15. Basketball Equipment H
  16. Major Brand Basketball J
  17. Volleyball Equipment N

30 Clues: Soccer Team RTennis Court WSoccer Player CTennis Player NSoccer Stadium SBasketball Team LFootball Player JVolleyball Team BFootball Stadium LSoccer Equipment CVolleyball Arena STennis Equipment GBasketball Court MVolleyball PLayer YNFL Football Team DBasketball Player LTennis Double Team BMajor Brand Tennis WFootball Equipment H...

Debate 2023-02-04

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. Quebec City
  2. Whitehorse
  3. Nuuk
  4. Kingston
  5. Bogota
  6. Madrid
  1. Mexico City
  2. Luxembourg
  3. Havana
  4. Oslo
  5. Salvador San Salvador
  6. Copenhagen
  7. Kiev
  8. York Albany
  9. Topeka
  10. Santiago
  11. Columbus

17 Clues: OsloKievNuukHavanaTopekaBogotaMadridKingstonSantiagoColumbusLuxembourgCopenhagenWhitehorseMexico CityQuebec CityYork AlbanySalvador San Salvador

Vocabulary Chapter 6 Review 2020-03-16

Vocabulary Chapter 6 Review crossword puzzle
  1. when we review vocabulary, we ________ the words in our memory
  2. promise
  3. opposite of happy, cheerful, optimistic
  4. same as difference, opposite
  5. opposite of unable, unskilled, and useless
  6. when writing a research paper, you must provide a list of _____ materials
  7. has to do with money
  8. could be used to describe an elephant, a skyscraper, or a redwood tree
  9. Experts want to build our _____ness about COVID-19
  10. opposite of harm, disadvantage
  1. rule
  2. collocations include restless, burst of, lack of,nervous
  3. collocations include quo, symbol, elite
  4. same as innovative, fresh, original
  5. same as downturn
  6. COVID-19 is a __________ pandemic
  7. to get something
  8. collocations include debate, opposing, and sports
  9. the main subject that is being discussed or described

19 Clues: rulepromisesame as downturnto get somethinghas to do with moneysame as difference, oppositeopposite of harm, disadvantageCOVID-19 is a __________ pandemicsame as innovative, fresh, originalopposite of happy, cheerful, optimisticcollocations include quo, symbol, eliteopposite of unable, unskilled, and useless...

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2024-07-02

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) crossword puzzle
  1. Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
  2. The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
  3. Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
  4. John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
  5. The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
  6. Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
  7. My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
  8. Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
  1. I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
  2. Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
  3. Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
  4. We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
  5. Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
  6. The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
  7. Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
  8. Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?

16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?...

Sports 2024-03-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Major Brand Tennis W
  2. Soccer Player C
  3. Soccer Team R
  4. Basketball Player L
  5. Football Equipment H
  6. Volleyball Technical Vocabulary S
  7. Major Brand Soccer A
  8. Tennis Court W
  9. Tennis Equipment G
  10. Volleyball Team B
  11. Tennis Player N
  12. Basketball Technical Vocabulary T
  13. Basketball Court M
  1. Soccer Technical Vocabulary D
  2. Basketball Team L
  3. Tennis Double Team B
  4. Tennis Technical Vocabulary F
  5. Volleyball PLayer Y
  6. Football Stadium L
  7. NFL Football Team D
  8. Football Technical Vocabulary T
  9. Soccer Equipment C
  10. Volleyball Arena S
  11. Soccer Stadium S
  12. Football Player J
  13. Major Brand Football N
  14. Major Brand Volleyball M
  15. Basketball Equipment H
  16. Major Brand Basketball J
  17. Volleyball Equipment N

30 Clues: Soccer Team RTennis Court WSoccer Player CTennis Player NSoccer Stadium SBasketball Team LFootball Player JVolleyball Team BFootball Stadium LSoccer Equipment CVolleyball Arena STennis Equipment GBasketball Court MVolleyball PLayer YNFL Football Team DBasketball Player LTennis Double Team BMajor Brand Tennis WFootball Equipment H...

debate 2019-04-15

debate crossword puzzle
  1. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally Sometimes referred to as a card which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards
  2. the lens through which you would like your argument viewed This is used to help the audience weigh your points For example a Con gun control case might use Constitutionality the 2nd Amendment as their framework and offer it as the highest value in the round A Pro gun control case might use Safety as the highest value in the round
  3. Giving your audience a heads up when you change arguments Now on my opponents first point is an example of sign posting We now know where to write your upcoming response on our flow It is very important to tell your judge where to write your arguments If you dont they may not write them down at all
  4. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments The flow is separated by speech for organizational purposes The flow is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in a debate
  5. The cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak
  6. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class A constructive is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote source for every point made A constructive includes an introduction a framework weighing mechanism your main points and a conclusion
  7. The main point or separate argument a general statement or point you are trying to make
  8. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents points Good debates provide a lot of clash Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well Make your points clearly but attack every argument your opponent makes
  1. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time This time 3 minutes per team for you is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner It can be used before any of your speeches It is NOT used before an opponents speech or before a crossfire period
  2. The exact wording of your topic Good resolutions are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance For example Immigration is not a resolution The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill is a resolution
  3. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals In Public Forum rebuttals are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus
  4. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later This is bad very very bad
  5. Using the flow to argue against your opponents arguments
  6. Giving your audience a very basic preview of your speech Typically Judge I will be attacking our opponents case and defending ours with the time remaining This tells the audience you are organized
  7. The cross-examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions This period is one versus one There are two types of questions clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments Be strategic but polite
  8. The so-what factor of your claim Impacts win debates Explain why every claim is important Assuming that something is important without proving the impact of it usually loses debates

16 Clues: Using the flow to argue against your opponents argumentsThe cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speakThe main point or separate argument a general statement or point you are trying to make...

Debate 2023-01-20

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. Alianza militar intergubernamental entre 30 Estados miembros: 28 europeos y dos norteamericanos.
  2. Declaración o cuestión específica que se somete a debate
  3. informática acceso no autorizado a los datos de un sistema o de un ordenador
  4. son una cuestión habitual en el debate político que se refiere a los problemas inherentes al statu quo.
  5. Son los discursos que responden a los argumentos del oponente, basándose en los materiales de los constructivos.
  6. información, normalmente engañosa, utilizada para promover un punto de vista concreto
  7. Ciencia que estudia cómo se relacionan los organismos vivos con su entorno en la agricultura
  1. cualquier organismo cuyo material genético haya sido alterado mediante técnicas de ingeniería genética
  2. es una cuestión habitual en el debate político que se refiere a una barrera que impide resolver un daño en el statu quo
  3. una pregunta de 2012 en las urnas de California que habría obligado a etiquetar los OMG
  4. Material de apoyo para los argumentos.
  5. Sesiones de preguntas y respuestas entre los debatientes.
  6. Segunda intervención en el debate
  7. persona que publica cosas en internet para manipular a la gente y enfadarla o confundirla
  8. El gobierno federal de Estados Unidos debería aumentar su seguridad con la OTAN.
  9. Tiempo que se concede a los debatientes para preparar su siguiente punto.
  10. un argumento que debate si el plan del afirmativo sigue o no la resolución.

17 Clues: Segunda intervención en el debateMaterial de apoyo para los argumentos.Declaración o cuestión específica que se somete a debateSesiones de preguntas y respuestas entre los debatientes.Tiempo que se concede a los debatientes para preparar su siguiente punto.un argumento que debate si el plan del afirmativo sigue o no la resolución....

Percy Jackson Chapter 1-5 Review 2023-08-31

Percy Jackson Chapter 1-5 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Something that seems real but does not really exist (vocabulary word)
  2. what Percy Jackson is
  3. Slightly open (vocabulary word)
  4. A person who listen to other people talk without letting them know (vocabulary word)
  5. ______ ones
  6. The color of Percy's mother's cooking/baking
  7. Academy name
  8. Three old ladies
  9. Name of Percy's best friend
  10. Mr. Brunner's real name
  1. What Grover is
  2. the name of Percy's mother
  3. Half man, Half bull
  4. Destroy completely (vocabulary word)
  5. Percy's nickname for his step-father
  6. _____ Mythology
  7. Third word in the chapter 1 title (also a vocabulary word)

17 Clues: ______ onesAcademy nameWhat Grover is_____ MythologyThree old ladiesHalf man, Half bullwhat Percy Jackson isMr. Brunner's real namethe name of Percy's motherName of Percy's best friendSlightly open (vocabulary word)Destroy completely (vocabulary word)Percy's nickname for his step-fatherThe color of Percy's mother's cooking/baking...

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2022-05-13

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) crossword puzzle
  1. Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
  2. The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
  3. Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
  4. John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
  5. The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
  6. Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
  7. My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
  8. Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
  1. I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
  2. Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
  3. Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
  4. We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
  5. Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
  6. The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
  7. Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
  8. Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?

16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?...

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2022-05-13

Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) crossword puzzle
  1. Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
  2. The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
  3. Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
  4. John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
  5. The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
  6. Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
  7. My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
  8. Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
  1. I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
  2. Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
  3. Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
  4. We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
  5. Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
  6. The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
  7. Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
  8. Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?

16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?...

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  2. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  3. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  3. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  6. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.

11 Clues: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad...

Debate Vocabulary 2023-02-08

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. not open to more than one interpretation
  2. the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument
  3. give a brief statement of the main points of (something).
  4. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
  5. a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved.
  6. giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
  1. the action of making a statement or situation less confusing and more comprehensible.
  2. tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have.
  3. refuse to agree to (a request).
  4. a formal proposal put to a legislature or committee.
  5. critical observation or examination.

11 Clues: refuse to agree to (a request).critical observation or examination.not open to more than one interpretationa formal proposal put to a legislature or committee.give a brief statement of the main points of (something).the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument...

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  2. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  3. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  3. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  6. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.

11 Clues: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad...

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  2. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  3. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  3. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  6. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.

11 Clues: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad...

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-29

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim". *
  2. Time: Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period. *
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite. *
  4. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus. *
  5. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards. *
  1. note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate. *
  2. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one. *
  3. Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak. *
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic 80 UOMO structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion. *
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes. *
  6. Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad. *

11 Clues: main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim". *Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak. *Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad. *...

Debate Vocabulary 2024-02-22

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.
  2. Confinement
  3. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
  4. an abstract idea; a general notion.
  5. declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
  1. give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
  2. argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
  3. a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.
  4. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  5. perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).
  6. assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing

11 Clues: Confinementan abstract idea; a general notion.argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existingperceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law....

7th Unit One Review 2024-09-29

7th Unit One Review crossword puzzle
  1. A vocabulary word meaning being in contact with another person
  2. Short story by Theodore Taylor
  3. A vocabulary word meaning the strength and courage someone has
  4. Part in a story where there is a moment of great interest
  5. A vocabulary word meaning a situation that is difficult or stressful for a person
  6. The way an author develops characters
  7. Myth retold by Sally Benson
  8. Part in a story where the final outcome and conflict are revealed
  9. Hints that suggest future events in a short story
  10. A vocabulary word meaning something that is without qualifications or exceptions
  11. The growing tension felt by the reader in a story
  12. The message of a text
  13. The struggle between opposing forces
  14. A vocabulary word meaning a person's travel to and from work/school
  15. The arrangement of events in time order
  1. The main character in "A Police Stop..."
  2. To make a logical guess
  3. Part in a story where things begin to draw to a close
  4. A vocabulary word meaning without confidence or trust
  5. A Vocabulary word that means long unbroken wave
  6. A series of events in a story
  7. Part in a story where complications start to intensify the plot
  8. Part in a story where the characters and setting are introduced
  9. Short story by Langston Hughes
  10. A vocabulary word meaning leather that is treated to be soft and fuzzy
  11. Old and traditional story that tries to answer basic questions about the world, events, and human nature
  12. A character's struggle against an outside force
  13. A character's internal struggle
  14. A vocabulary word meaning kept within a certain limit

29 Clues: The message of a textTo make a logical guessMyth retold by Sally BensonA series of events in a storyShort story by Theodore TaylorShort story by Langston HughesA character's internal struggleThe struggle between opposing forcesThe way an author develops charactersThe arrangement of events in time orderThe main character in "A Police Stop..."...

"The Tell-Tale Heart" Crossword 2024-05-09

"The Tell-Tale Heart" Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what bird did the narrator compare the eye to?
  2. vocabulary word meaning having the limbs (of a body) cut off
  3. vocabulary word meaning extreme physical or mental suffering
  4. what is the color of the old man's eye?
  5. what noise did the narrator hear just before he killed the old man?
  6. how many police officers came to the door?
  7. vocabulary word meaning to listen
  1. vocabulary word meaning very strong and sensitive; sharp
  2. vocabulary word meaning to bring trouble or agitation
  3. vocabulary word meaning a narrow opening or crack
  4. what time did the narrator go into the old man's room each night?
  5. vocabulary word meaning before in time
  6. the narrator kills the old man by dragging the ___ on top of him
  7. what was the narrator holding each night as he stalked the old man?
  8. the purpose of the narrator telling the story is to prove that he is not ______
  9. who is the author of this story?
  10. what emotion was the narrator feeling that caused him to confess to the murder?
  11. before he is murdered, the old man feels the presence of ____ in the room
  12. what time did the police officers come to the door?
  13. how many nights did the narrator stalk the old man before committing the murder?

20 Clues: who is the author of this story?vocabulary word meaning to listenvocabulary word meaning before in timewhat is the color of the old man's eye?how many police officers came to the door?what bird did the narrator compare the eye to?vocabulary word meaning a narrow opening or crackwhat time did the police officers come to the door?...

Debate Vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cross-examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  2. Argument-An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  4. main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  5. time-Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  1. quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  2. your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other team’s points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  3. Crossfire-The cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  4. speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. the exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one. “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  6. note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.

11 Clues: main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".Crossfire-The cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.Argument-An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad....

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-29

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim". *
  2. Time: Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period. *
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite. *
  4. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus. *
  5. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards. *
  1. note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate. *
  2. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one. *
  3. Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak. *
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic 80 UOMO structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion. *
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes. *
  6. Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad. *

11 Clues: main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim". *Crossfire: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak. *Argument: An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad. *...

Mother's Day Puzzle 2023-05-12

Mother's Day Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The capital of Washington State.
  2. The main setting for A Long Walk to Water.
  3. Something we do to reduce waste and pollution.
  4. This prefix means "Three"
  5. The answer to an addition problem.
  6. A vocabulary game we play in class.
  7. Information designed to make you believe something.
  8. The location of the famous Space Needle.
  1. Famous German scientist who fled from the Nazis.
  2. An angle going from left to right.
  3. An angle or line going from top to bottom.
  4. Known as "The Game of Kings"
  5. An argument or conversation used to persuade.
  6. The speed that will make you most successful in SBA.
  7. The Clover Creek mascot.
  8. The ____ is mightier than the sword.

16 Clues: The Clover Creek mascot.This prefix means "Three"Known as "The Game of Kings"The capital of Washington State.An angle going from left to right.The answer to an addition problem.A vocabulary game we play in class.The ____ is mightier than the sword.The location of the famous Space Needle.The main setting for A Long Walk to Water....

More Than Words - Clothes 2023-04-18

More Than Words - Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. an outfit you wear to bed
  2. wear these and your hands won't freeze
  3. the shorter word for "kumisaappaat"
  4. villapaita, neule
  5. wear this and your head won't freeze
  6. rhymes with kittens
  7. AmE word for "alushousut"
  8. kangas *extra word, not in the vocabulary
  9. puuvilla *extra word, not in the vocabulary
  1. BrE word for "housut"
  2. villa *extra word, not in the vocabulary
  3. tennarit
  4. trousers made from a fabric called "denim"
  5. pilkullinen
  6. nahka *extra word, not in the vocabulary
  7. villatakki
  8. uimapuku
  9. kuvio
  10. keeps your trousers up

19 Clues: kuviotennarituimapukuvillatakkipilkullinenvillapaita, neulerhymes with kittensBrE word for "housut"keeps your trousers upan outfit you wear to bedAmE word for "alushousut"the shorter word for "kumisaappaat"wear this and your head won't freezewear these and your hands won't freezevilla *extra word, not in the vocabulary...

Etymology Crossword 2020-11-22

Etymology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A phrase that is soooo overused
  2. Something named after its inventor/creator
  3. Word choice in your writing
  4. A phrase that is not literal and is sorta cultural
  5. The meaning of words/debate over meaning
  6. Words that came from the same original root word
  7. Same spelling and pronunciation, not meaning
  8. Something has a second layer of meaning
  9. The beginning or start of something
  1. Same spelling-different everything else
  2. Same pronunciation - different everything else
  3. Something means exactly what it says
  4. How you talk based on where you live
  5. Vocabulary choices based on popular culture
  6. Casual and familiar conversation
  7. Word order impacts the quality of a sentence

16 Clues: Word choice in your writingA phrase that is soooo overusedCasual and familiar conversationThe beginning or start of somethingSomething means exactly what it saysHow you talk based on where you liveSame spelling-different everything elseSomething has a second layer of meaningThe meaning of words/debate over meaning...

9th Unit One Review 2024-09-29

9th Unit One  Review crossword puzzle
  1. The reason the writer has for writing a text
  2. A vocabulary word meaning blended or laced together
  3. Type of rhetorical device that creates emphasis by saying less than is literally true
  4. Argument by Anna Quindlen
  5. A vocabulary word meaning consisting of many ethnic and cultural groups
  6. Statements that address opposing viewpoints
  7. The author's unique use of language that allows the reader to "hear" a human personality
  8. The central idea of a text
  9. A vocabulary word meaning to form or develop in the mind
  10. A vocabulary word meaning to perish or die
  11. Poem by Alberto Rios
  12. The people for whom the author is writing
  13. An author's position on an issue
  14. The time and place of the action of a story
  15. Short Story by Nadine Gordimer
  1. The main message a story
  2. Presents a claim, or position on an issue
  3. The author's attitude toward his or her subject
  4. Personal Essay by Ishmael Beah
  5. Ideas used to develop the author's claim
  6. Type of rhetorical device where the same word is repeated more than once
  7. Directly compares two things says one "is" another
  8. An additional storyline that runs parallel to the main plot
  9. Uses "like" or "as" to compare
  10. A vocabulary word meaning lacking worldly experience and understanding
  11. Speech by Abraham Lincoln
  12. A vocabulary word meaning bold or rebellious
  13. A vocabulary word meaning things that have the same characteristics and function as another
  14. A vocabulary word meaning purpose or plan

29 Clues: Poem by Alberto RiosThe main message a storyArgument by Anna QuindlenSpeech by Abraham LincolnThe central idea of a textPersonal Essay by Ishmael BeahUses "like" or "as" to compareShort Story by Nadine GordimerAn author's position on an issueIdeas used to develop the author's claimPresents a claim, or position on an issue...

Debate Vocabulary 2022-03-03

Debate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Time Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  2. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  3. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim
  4. Crossfire The cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  5. The cross-examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  6. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  1. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one
  2. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  3. Argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  4. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.

11 Clues: A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claimCrossfire The cross-examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.Argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad....

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  2. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  3. An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. Speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  2. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  3. The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.
  4. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  5. Aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other teams points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes.
  6. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  7. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.

11 Clues: The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad...

Debate 2012-11-12

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. the obligation to present arguments for changing the status quo
  2. debate that takes place between two affirmative speakers and two negative speakers who argue a proposition of policy
  3. debate that involves two affirmative speakers and two negative speakers
  4. issues that are the points of disagreement in the debate
  5. builds an argument
  6. rebuilds an argument
  7. a formalized public speaking
  8. proposition that expresses judgements about the relative merit of a person
  1. statement about what has, is, or will happen
  2. proposition that focuses on specific plans of action
  3. issues that are a formula of set questions
  4. the reasons and evidence given to answer the questions in the stock issues
  5. the existing state of affairs
  6. statements that justify the proposition
  7. debate that involves one affirmative and one negative speaker

15 Clues: builds an argumentrebuilds an argumenta formalized public speakingthe existing state of affairsstatements that justify the propositionissues that are a formula of set questionsstatement about what has, is, or will happenproposition that focuses on specific plans of actionissues that are the points of disagreement in the debate...

Debate 2023-04-05

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. a twoagainsttwo format that has elements of policy and parliamenty debate is used for high school students in international competitions
  2. the present system of programs,laws, and policies
  3. a debate format in which single debaters on each side debate a proposition of value
  4. the debators arguing against the adoption of the resolution
  5. a style of debate addressing propositions of fact, value, and policy
  6. this format involves two two-person teams debating narrow topics of significant controversy of public affairs
  7. speaking without th benifit of a prepared manuscript
  1. academic debate that takes place in a tournament setting
  2. a mock legislature in which students debate legislation and follow parliamentary procedure
  3. a competitive event in which teams prepare arguments and witness for a hypothetical trial of either criminal or civil offence
  4. in academic debate, the time alloted to question an opponent about arguments and evidence presented in a speech
  5. a competitive debate format that focuses on policy topics and that usually involves two-person teams
  6. the debators who are arguing in favor of adopting the resolution
  7. the maxiimum amount of time to be used by each team between speeches
  8. in acedemic debate,the order and timing of speeches

15 Clues: the present system of programs,laws, and policiesin acedemic debate,the order and timing of speechesspeaking without th benifit of a prepared manuscriptacademic debate that takes place in a tournament settingthe debators arguing against the adoption of the resolutionthe debators who are arguing in favor of adopting the resolution...

Debate 2018-10-14

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. it has to be one or another. You can't go in between.
  2. a majority believes in it therefore you should be part of it too. It is not guaranteed that it is right.
  3. when a claim is true because a valid expert or credible person said that it's true.
  4. proof that proves that the opponent is wrong
  5. judge
  6. a type of argument use for showing that the opponent team is wrong.
  7. a type of argument that was prepared and for showing that their point of view is right.
  1. a formal argument between groups of people with different point of view on a certain topic.
  2. made a conclusion by on an evidence that is lack support.
  3. pathos
  4. also known as metafallacy, is a belief that an argument is false because there is a fallacy.
  5. similar role as a host or the mc of a show
  6. saying something that eventually lead to another.
  7. a story that is use to base and argument
  8. give impression of refuting an opponent argument although it was not presented by the opponent.

15 Clues: judgepathosa story that is use to base and argumentsimilar role as a host or the mc of a showproof that proves that the opponent is wrongsaying something that eventually lead to has to be one or another. You can't go in between.made a conclusion by on an evidence that is lack support....

Safe as HSouses 2018-03-08

Safe as HSouses crossword puzzle
  1. What is the boy's last name
  2. When they looked at the other house the people were ___
  3. What is the youngest girl's name
  4. Vocabulary word for the dog's appearance
  5. Vocabulary word for how the babysitter was walking as she carried the young girl
  6. What is the boy's name
  1. Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the tree
  2. Vocabulary word that the kids called the impact of the storm
  3. What is the babysitter's name
  4. Vocabulary word for what is left in the water after the structures floated away
  5. Vocabulary word for why the older girl spun around in the river
  6. Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the river
  7. Vocabulary word for what the young girl did when the dog fell off the roof
  8. What is the dog's name

14 Clues: What is the dog's nameWhat is the boy's nameWhat is the boy's last nameWhat is the babysitter's nameWhat is the youngest girl's nameVocabulary word for the dog's appearanceWhen they looked at the other house the people were ___Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the treeVocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the river...

Communications exercise Speeches 2018-05-01

Communications exercise Speeches crossword puzzle
  1. Democrat
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Pathos
  4. Contrast
  5. Metaphor
  6. Structure
  7. Repetition
  8. List
  9. Republican
  10. Logos
  11. Excerpt
  1. Quote
  2. Ethos
  3. Language
  4. Audience
  5. Constitution
  6. Example
  7. Speaker
  8. Persuade
  9. Future
  10. Intention
  11. Address

22 Clues: ListQuoteEthosLogosPathosFutureExampleSpeakerAddressExcerptLanguageDemocratAudiencePersuadeContrastMetaphorIntentionStructureVocabularyRepetitionRepublicanConstitution

Debate Vocabulary Crossword 2023-08-02

Debate Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Summing up the debate, addressing the most important arguments, and offering voting issues, usually done in the last speech of a debate.
  2. A reason to affirm or negate
  3. The topic of a debate
  4. Preferences of a judge for a debate round
  5. Debaters may argue that their definition is superior to that of another debater for a variety of reasons such as setting fair limits for the debate or being used in the literature.
  6. The reason why your claim is true; the reasoning behind a claim.
  7. Outline of a debate case containing arguments and evidence
  8. An argument, definition, or assumption that prevents both sides from competing
  1. The idea that a debate must be fair for both sides.
  2. A sufficient standard by which to measure competing values
  3. The critical elements inherent in the resolution that the affirmative must establish in order to prove the validity of the resolution.
  4. Speeches in which debtors introduce their positions and advocacy
  5. An argument where teams debate the meaning of certain words in the resolution in an attempt to prove that the affirmative either is or is not debating the topic as worded.
  6. A weighing mechanism or tool that judges can use to determine which parts of the debate are most important; attempts to tell the judge which impacts matter most and why.
  7. The major argument in a debate
  8. A statement made at the beginning of any speech which takes a position with regard to the totality of one’s own or one’s opponent’s analysis. This part of the speech is entirely optional.

16 Clues: The topic of a debateA reason to affirm or negateThe major argument in a debatePreferences of a judge for a debate roundThe idea that a debate must be fair for both sides.A sufficient standard by which to measure competing valuesOutline of a debate case containing arguments and evidence...

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other team's points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes
  2. speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  3. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  2. argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  4. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  5. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  6. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  7. rossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.

11 Clues: A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".rossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad....

English Class Words 2024-07-02

English Class Words crossword puzzle
  1. Parts of speech
  2. Adjective
  3. Adverb
  4. Grammar
  5. Reading
  6. Listening
  7. Noun
  8. Preposition
  9. Opposite
  10. Speaking
  11. Syntax
  1. Pronunciation
  2. Article
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Conjunction
  5. Dictionary
  6. Verb
  7. Comprehension
  8. Writing
  9. Pronoun
  10. Synonym
  11. Definition

22 Clues: VerbNounAdverbSyntaxArticleWritingGrammarPronounReadingSynonymOppositeSpeakingAdjectiveListeningVocabularyDictionaryDefinitionConjunctionPrepositionPronunciationComprehensionParts of speech

Debate vocabulary 2021-10-27

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. aligning your arguments directly to your opponents’ points. Good debates provide a lot of this. Debates get very hard to judge when they are two teams making points but not attacking the other team's points as well. Make your points clearly, but attack every argument your opponent makes
  2. speaking time allotted to review arguments and clarify the round. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttals. In Public Forum, these are called First Speaker Summary and Final Focus.
  3. The exact wording of your topic. Good ones are clearly worded to imply a clear Pro and Con stance. For example: “Immigration” is not one . “The USFG should pass the immigration reform bill” is one.
  4. valid quotes and sources that are delivered conversationally. Sometimes referred to as a “card” which refers to the days when debaters cut and pasted their quotes on note cards.
  1. The speeches where you offer your main points following the basic structure we have used in class. This is written word for word and includes at least one valid quote/source for every point made. This includes an introduction, a “framework” weighing mechanism, your main points, and a conclusion.
  2. argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad.
  3. The cross examination period where you and your opponent take turns asking questions. This period is one versus one. There are two types of questions: clarification and questions of exploitation to set up your future arguments. Be strategic, but polite.
  4. A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".
  5. Time allotted to each team that does not count as speaking time. This time (3 minutes per team for you) is used to prepare notes for your next speech and discuss strategy with your partner. It can be used before any of your speeches. It is NOT used before an opponent’s speech or before a crossfire period.
  6. The note-taking technique used in debate to track all points and arguments. This is separated by speech for organizational purposes. This is used to go down each point made to provide an organized clash in debate.
  7. rossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.

11 Clues: A main point or separate argument. This is sometimes also called a "claim".rossfire The cross examination period where all four debaters are allowed to speak.argument An argument that goes unanswered by your opponent. Dropping an argument will cause you to not be able to address it later. This is bad, very, very bad....

Debate 2014-04-11

Debate crossword puzzle
  1. argument label or heading
  2. team that opposes the resolution
  3. proof/ proof arising from actual experience
  4. sentence that states the topic to be debated
  5. of the stock issues in policy debate that must be demonstrated by the affirmative team
  1. argument made at the top of the flowsheet before beginning the line-by-line responses to an opponent's argument
  2. team assigned to defend the resolution
  3. the right of the affirmative team to assume that its plan would be adopted in the political structure specified by the plan
  4. responding to the claims made by an opponent
  5. quo/Things as they now exist
  6. of paper completed by a judge at the end of a round
  7. reference for a negative disadvantage in policy debate
  8. one of the stock issues that resolves harm
  9. judges/ judges no one likes because they don't have a debate background

14 Clues: argument label or headingquo/Things as they now existteam that opposes the resolutionteam assigned to defend the resolutionone of the stock issues that resolves harmproof/ proof arising from actual experienceresponding to the claims made by an opponentsentence that states the topic to be debatedof paper completed by a judge at the end of a round...

BQ2-7 2020-12-15

BQ2-7 crossword puzzle
  1. skill
  2. people
  3. bad
  4. things
  5. vocabulary
  6. right
  7. hope
  8. next week
  9. money
  1. silent
  2. about
  3. power
  4. argue
  5. sentence
  6. for
  7. last week
  8. all
  9. this month
  10. gift

19 Clues: badforallhopegiftaboutskillpowerarguerightmoneysilentpeoplethingssentencelast weeknext weekvocabularythis month

English Class Words 2022-11-08

English Class Words crossword puzzle
  1. Parts of speech
  2. Adjective
  3. Adverb
  4. Grammar
  5. Reading
  6. Listening
  7. Noun
  8. Preposition
  9. Opposite
  10. Speaking
  11. Syntax
  1. Pronunciation
  2. Article
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Conjunction
  5. Dictionary
  6. Verb
  7. Comprehension
  8. Writing
  9. Pronoun
  10. Synonym
  11. Definition

22 Clues: VerbNounAdverbSyntaxArticleWritingGrammarPronounReadingSynonymOppositeSpeakingAdjectiveListeningVocabularyDictionaryDefinitionConjunctionPrepositionPronunciationComprehensionParts of speech

Debate vocabulary 2013-04-22

Debate vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (n.)a speech proposing a plan
  2. (n.)the points in a debate on which there are clashes of opinion,issues are neutral (they do not support either side)
  3. (v.)to nullify or cause to be ineffective; to contradict
  4. (v.)to prove something false
  1. (n.)a statement that sets the topic of the debate
  2. (v.)to acknowledge something to be true
  3. (n.)the existing state of affairs; what the situation is right now
  4. (n.)a speech negating the plan
  5. (n.)proof of something; grounds to believe or disbelieve something
  6. (n.)a proposed specific action that would fulfill the resolution

10 Clues: (v.)to prove something false(n.)a speech proposing a plan(n.)a speech negating the plan(v.)to acknowledge something to be true(n.)a statement that sets the topic of the debate(v.)to nullify or cause to be ineffective; to contradict(n.)a proposed specific action that would fulfill the resolution...

"Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto 2020-10-07

"Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto crossword puzzle
  1. This vocabulary words means to tremble slightly
  2. This vocabulary word means shy and lacking confidence
  3. This is the formula used to write a good conclusion paragraph
  4. This is the part of plot that shows the result of the decision made by the main character
  5. This is the correct way to spell your ELA Teacher's name
  6. This is the end of the story where the moral is revealed to readers
  7. This is the part of plot where the conflict gets intense and readers are left in suspense
  8. This is the author of "Seventh Grade"
  1. This is the main character
  2. This is Victor's best friend
  3. This vocabulary word means to stay longer than necessary or to not want to leave
  4. This vocabulary word means slightly overweight
  5. This is Victor's French Teacher
  6. This is the formula used to write good body paragraphs
  7. This is the part of plot where the main character usually makes a decision
  8. This vocabulary word means fierce and savage
  9. This is the formula used to write a good introduction paragraph
  10. This is the beginning of the story where characters, setting, and conflicts are revealed
  11. This is Victor's crush
  12. This vocabulary word means at the same time

20 Clues: This is Victor's crushThis is the main characterThis is Victor's best friendThis is Victor's French TeacherThis is the author of "Seventh Grade"This vocabulary word means at the same timeThis vocabulary word means fierce and savageThis vocabulary word means slightly overweightThis vocabulary words means to tremble slightly...

DEBATE 2023-11-22

DEBATE crossword puzzle
  1. CAUSE
  2. TRUTH